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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. if memory serves, i think farnsworth and lilshonenbat ran off to the same place. shonen never told me where though when i was still friends with him.
  2. miku body pillows
  3. i finished cleaning my house
  4. let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the floor let the bodies hit the
  5. George W Bush is my favorite lesbian anime character
  6. where did i leave my car keys
  7. i like how i get blamed for everything now.
  8. i'm cleaning my house because i'm out of money to do other things
  9. take a sleeping pill
  10. i don't make them because i usually never follow them
  11. make me
  12. anime sucks
  13. holy fuck you're right by patterson.
  14. sometimes friendzones can save you and you don't realize it
  15. lets just say that she might have interpreted something i said differently than i meant and the conversation that followed was....interesting to say the least
  16. is it "i like going to malls and diners and getting stuck in traffic because that's all there is to do on weekends"
  17. i know but considering the conversation we had earlier today i think i can miss out
  18. i feel better about being in the friendzone now. i forgot, she cray lol
  19. no but i haven't exactly hid it either
  20. ok this is just mean. this is the fourth day in a row she's texted me first
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