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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. i've never really liked noodles in butter but it's better than tomato sauce. yeech
  2. i read that as Verizon and i was going to ask if you were eating your phone
  3. i can understand why you don't like pickles. most people don't know where to get them. store bought is awful. you have to go to NYC and get them from a barrel and make sure they're full sour.
  4. on spaghetti i have to use alfredo sauce. i just will not eat it with marinara. i will gag if i do
  5. that doesn't sound to me like a fireable offense. there's no way she could have known it was THAT serious and it would set a precedent that anyone would have to report any type of cough or sneeze as a possible problem
  6. i don't know. i can't say i've had enough thoughts about killing myself to think through all of the semantics.
  7. tomatoes. i hate tomatoes. i can deal with ketchup or tomato sauce on pizza but that's about it. get that nasty shit off my food
  8. life insurance doesn't pay out if you commit sudoku
  9. good question. it depends on what you allegedly did. they might not care
  10. are those even a thing anymore
  11. legally, they can't say how you left your previous job. they can only say your position and how long you worked there. that being said, no one actually knows what they really say but if you ever have reason to believe they told a future employer this, you can sue them. now they do ask you on job apps if you've been fired or disciplined at work. telling you they "might" fire or discipline you is not reason for you to believe that they "will" fire or discipline you and there's a big difference between MAY or WILL. if you've already received a formal write up, you might as well wait it out. if you haven't gotten one yet just bail now and keep yourself clean. this is also going to sound incredibly pretentious, and i don't mean it to be, but it also really depends what kind of job you go for next. if it's a corporate job and your last job was a part time, they might use some third party service for work verification and they might never actually speak to HR. however if your current job is corporate, then i would be extremely careful not to burn a bridge. YMMV and every company is different
  12. i meant a new jerb. normally i'd say you're worrying. but HR and union rep in same room = bad times. honestly if you really think you're going to get fired, i would give my two week notice like now and just take take a job at like McDonalds or something for like a month while you look around. if an employer asks just say that "the environment was becoming uncomfortable and i needed to get out quickly"
  13. ok
  14. 3edgy5me
  15. ew
  16. i read frankenfuck at first and i was like "what did he fuck this time"
  17. i'm a new user
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