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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. now try explaining in an environment of a corporate office of a Fortune 50 company why your shirt looks like you blew someone in a bathroom. that was my day
  2. the last time i had greek yogurt and i tried opening it up, it splattered all over my face like a horny college student
  3. you're an all star
  4. come and speak my dialect
  5. east coast, beast coast
  6. i've been on the boards in whatever incarnation since 2005. do i qualify as old?
  7. hmmmm
  8. how long have you people known me?
  9. so work basically? i'm cool with that
  10. drinks and i get to die? it's the best thing a boy could ask for
  11. hey @Raptorpat go fuck yourself
  12. how do you feel about Paradise by the Dashboard Light?
  13. hah i remember what you're talking about. funny enough i haven't heard it in a few years
  14. dude i used to have to hear that every day when i worked retail. it was maddening
  15. honestly i'm more ok with you not liking this one. it's a polarizing song. you either love it or you hate it
  16. you had me until this one
  17. can you be more specific
  18. i love the Beach Boys . also I don't like Maroon 5 because they stole too much from jamiroquai
  19. i don't mean songs that are intentionally bad i mean ones that tried to be good that you cannot stand. this is one of my top least favorites. i HATE this song
  20. let's all get laid
  21. this is the best I can do from about ~10ish years ago
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