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Everything posted by Naraku4656

  1. didn't this already sort of happen? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t039p6xqutU
  2. industries can come up with their own standards without necessarily having to rely on something else to make it for them.
  3. i went to mcdicks. yuck
  4. this sounds like it would be the start of a smart ass comment but it's not intended to be. @Poof made a comment in a thread of mine about Michael Bay and it got me thinking about this. I would imagine that they SHOULD be eligible, but I'm not sure if that's a person to person thing or if it's an industry wide standard.
  5. I just want to know one thing and one thing only and it will be the only question i ask about this subject. When he cums, does shit explode around him like in every movie that he's ever made
  6. i have no lunch today. sucks to suck i guess
  7. I mean I never really cared for Ann to begin with. her personality just doesn't really mesh with mine. also, she's like 15. granted when I first played P4 my favorite was Naoto but she's only 4 years younger than me so it didn't feel as creepy at the time.
  8. I turned on the stove to make lunch and got a phone call and had to run to my laptop. dealt with the problem and immediately remembered i had something on the stove and ran down. had to throw everything away.
  9. yeah I guess if it was a first time playing it, then I'd be more interested but I just can't get myself to care. Takemi is still top tier waifu
  10. i already had the PS4 version. the only difference for me would be the extra content. Which from what I've been told, Kasumi's not around all that long. so some extra activities and extra dialogue for a game that kind of already felt like it was starting to drag a bit by the end.
  11. i don't think i'm going to play Royal. I just don't care enough to put another 80 hours into a game I already beat twice
  12. or have some plot involving it. i figure at least a few probably
  13. i always liked this remix better
  14. do or do not, there is no try
  15. i've seen this somewhere hmmmmmmmm
  16. none of us are
  17. as I recall, I just said it was yogurt. but boy was that not a fun day
  18. Embrace the wind and fall into another time and space
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