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Everything posted by Leon

  1. It's sad that you think I put any effort into this.
  2. They make you lick the floor clean after the circlejerk? That's fucked up, man.
  3. "no u" Good comeback.
  4. You're right. When you've fallen so far being a public spectacle is just your way of life, I suppose.
  5. You guys should really keep him to the back of the pack if you want to be anything other than a laughingstock. And please don't tip your fedora at me, Mr. Atheist.
  6. Uh oh, the circlejerk is out in full force tonight. Do you people plan to be this embarrassing or is it just obliviousness?
  7. Oh no! He doesn't know what the phrase "cutting remark" means! Jesus christ!
  8. Oh, I know what you meant but your butt buddy slipped into a little fanboy rage so I had to tease him.
  9. Your cutting remark has stunned me to silence. I thought this was supposed to be the great offensive campaign in your crusade against those Sony devils. Or do you need me to attack first and put you on the defensive? Xbox One? More like Xbone. There, now let us see your great offense.
  10. Nah, I clearly saw you fanboying all over your pants while declaring holy war on Playstation, I just cut that bit out to save you a little dignity. I guess now I know better. Keep fighting the good fight, kid.
  11. Keep sperging out, friend.
  12. Man, the IBabbies are really defensive about their ShitBox.
  13. The only solution is for you to whip it out early and often.
  14. I'm fairly certain that's the default condition in society.
  15. I know, little buddy, I know. (Poor guy, he's losing his senses now.) (She must've really done a number on him.)
  16. Okay, as a favor to you I'll expose the joke. I quoted your post but I wasn't talking to you. I was talking about you. Read it with that context and you should see.
  17. Fixed. You gotta get your part right, JNB. I won't be here to look over your shoulder and make corrections all of your life.
  18. I think you misunderstood the question but came to the right answer anyway. Either way, this proves whatever point I was trying to make.
  19. Don't take it out on me because you got dumped. I wasn't the one who dumped you. I think this is the part of the story where you get really sad.
  20. Well, yeah. But there's a lot of that in society and you always make threads turning it into a big thing. Also, you imply it's malicious when a lot of the time it isn't.
  21. Apparently this thread is a love story.
  22. Think about that for a minute. Is this really who you want to play games with?
  23. You're terrible.
  24. You aren't really a badass for losing your dick though. That's kind of the problem. You'd just be a sadass.
  25. Said the same thing about the Wii and Wii U. To a less extent, the Gamecube. And to a slightly lesser extent than that, the N64.
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