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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. In 2 more hours on Encore (Channel 341 on Dish), the original Carrie will be on. Those bitches and assholes got torched. Serves them right. Too bad they really didn't get pulled 6 feet under. PLUG IT UP! PLUG IT UP! PLUG IT UP!
  2. Oh shit! I damn near pissed my pants from laughing so hard. My God damn sides. LMAO!😂
  3. Out of all the original Christmas Slashers, the original Silent Night, Deadly Night was the best. I never saw any of the sequels, until earlier this morning. When Dish Network's summary for Species III mentioned that it was a "lowbrow sequel," it should've said the same thing for Silent Night, Deadly Night 3. I was right in the middle of recording it on my DVR. Then, I deleted it. Within the first 10 minutes, the acting was awful. Like I said earlier, I've seen better acting in soap operas than what was in Silent Night, Deadly Night 3. I never had the chance to watch 2 but if it was anything like 3, it's not worth watching. Besides the acting being terrible, the blood looked really fake. During the earliest slashing in Silent Night, Deadly Night 3, the blood looked like it could've been claymation. I'll even go as far as saying that it looked like Play-Doh. LMAO! It was THAT fake! ROTFLMAO!😂
  4. In order to be taken seriously, you must change the name of your characters if you want your work to be published. If it's hard for aspiring authors to get their stories published, it will most definitely be harder for someone's Fan Fiction to be published. Most publishers, literary journals, agents, and other authors don't support Fan Fiction. It's like a disguised version of plagiarism but with a dummy disclaimer. You will be taken more seriously after changing the names of your characters, story, etc. If you're modeling or basing your characters after actual characters, that should be fine. Also, it's really not that hard to create your own characters when you already know how to create your own stories. As long as you can do that, you should be fine.
  5. So, just to give you all a heads up, it's only a few minutes in to Silent Night, Deadly Night 3. The sequel is showing flashbacks of the original from 1984. I never saw Silent Night, Deadly Night 2. However, I will tell you that the acting in 3 is bad. I've watched better acting on soap operas than what's in Silent Night, Deadly Night 3.
  6. While Scream 2 is back on Encore Classic, Silent Night, Deadly Night 3 will be airing in less than 20 minutes on Indieplex (Channel 378 on Dish). I fail to see the point of airing Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 and 3, when they refuse to air the original from 1984. I know those militant moms called Tri Star Films and protested to have the original banned nationwide, 34 years ago. However, it defeats the purpose of showing the sequels when networks refuse to air the original. Also, Child's Play will be airing on EPIX1 in less than 5 minutes.
  7. Happy Birthday on Krampus Day!🎉🎂🎈🎄
  8. That means "Greetings from Krampus" in German. I'm still reeling over the fact, that Hollywood filmmakers and writers for the movie, Krampus ruined his history. Watching that movie was like watching a CGI version of The Puppet Masters meets Poltergeist on crack. To make matters worse, EVERY character in Krampus was annoying. NBC's Grimm was more accurate in their depiction of Krampus, which speaks volumes. Krampus is a beast-like monster in ancient Germanic folklore. He is usually black and sometimes a brown-haired demon with cloven hooves and goat-like horns. In a way, Krampus can look somewhat like a pan. Every December 5th (Saint Nicholas Eve), Krampus punishes misbehaved children by capturing them in his sack. Then, he carries them to his lair. It has also been said that Krampus will even drag them to Hell. Meanwhile, Saint Nicholas (Krampus' brother) rewards well-behaved children on December 6th. Here's a better explanation about Krampus in more detail. Here's a Krampus Parade from Schladming, Styria which is in Austria. The Krampus Parade is normally called Krampuslauf meaning "Krampus Run" in German. Also, here's a festive carol by Craterface about Krampus. Anyway, Gruß vom Krampus!
  9. Krampus aired on the Fox Movie Channel last night and it was a disappointment. It's a good thing I didn't waste money on seeing it in the theaters, 3 years ago. A while ago, I posted a thread with the Gremlins audiobooks and explained about mogwai in Chinese folklore. Silent Night, Bloody Night and Black Christmas were 2 Christmas Slashers I was planning on reviewing.
  10. I think I will review each Christmas Slasher all in 1 thread with their trailers. It would probably be good to post my review of each movie as I go in a thread.
  11. I plan on posting a Christmas Slasher Review.😉
  12. Tomorrow is when we say, "Gruss vom Krampus!"😈
  13. Maybe around midnight, I will post something about Krampus Day.
  14. Too bad this sub-forum can't be moved to Media Bastards. Horror is not a Halloween only genre. It's not like we're talking about Valentine's Day or anything. Horror is a daily genre. Hell, I have friends, who make their livelihood in the Horror Industry.
  15. I haven't seen the original Twin Peaks in almost 30 years and I know what you mean.
  16. Leave it up to Hollywood filmmakers to ruin foreign folklores. We're nearly an hour into Krampus and every character in this movie is annoying. The filmmakers overdid it with making everyone obnoxious. The adults are just as annoying as the brats. They have worked my nerves enough, that I want to teleport myself through the screen just to bitch slap them all. LOL! The grandmother is the only likable character. Her speaking in German is a bonus. Meanwhile, Krampus has too much CGI, which makes him look unrealistic. Also, Krampus doesn't arrive that close to Christmas.😒 Had the writers and filmmakers stayed true to his history, Krampus arrives on December 5th, which is the night before Saint Nicholas Day. Krampus is supposed to spank brats, give them a lump of coal, and possibly whisk their bad asses to Hell BEFORE Saint Nicholas Day and Christmas NOT on Christmas Eve or Day.
  17. From the pattern I've noticed with '70s Horror films, they made the cops so dumb that they make me mad enough to start screaming at the screen. Speaking of Krampus, it appears that the Fox Movie Channel has commercial breaks, which is disappointing and annoying. I thought it was a commercial free channel. It seems that isn't the case. With that being said, I think I'll just watch Krampus. I never had a chance to see it until now. If it's not that great, I won't record it once it eventually airs on a premium channel. It's on right now.
  18. If you have Dish, Krampus will be airing pretty soon on the Fox Movie Channel, which is on Channel 384. Because there is a show I'm watching tonight, I will DVR the 2nd airing.
  19. I wonder if they were dumber than the cops in The Last House On The Left from 1973.
  20. Even though I shared this article in the Creative Chatter thread, I am re-sharing it here. https://thewritepractice.com/a-critical-dont-for-writing-dialogue/
  21. I finished reading this useful article and thought I would share it. https://thewritepractice.com/a-critical-dont-for-writing-dialogue/
  22. Considering the way Adult Swim treats their own employees, writers, and fans, you're much better off submitting your work where it will be appreciated and respected.
  23. Since I was busy earlier, I haven't started working on my revisions again yet today. However, I still have more ideas popping up in my head regarding what to do with the dialogue. Maybe I will work on it later tonight or early in the morning. There's another story, which has been backburned on/off for the last 6 years, that is the opposite of the story I previously mentioned. Even though it is a Psychological Thriller/Horror Story, I don't know how long it will be. It will definitely be longer than the others but I don't know if it will be a long story, novel, or novelette. It's more of a Valentine's Day Themed Horror Story. The protagonist is a jilted, scornful woman, who exacts her revenge on all her exes and those, who were friends of her high school crush. In the beginning of that story, the protagonist has her old, high school crush held captive and tied up in her basement, while he begs to be released. As her crush begs to be released, she forces him to sit and listen to all the atrocities she had to endure regarding her love life. This includes forcing him to listen to everything his asshole friends said and did to her, during high school and their class reunion. Also, urban legends are being added to this story and the protagonist will be colluding with her so-called BFF.
  24. When you read your writing aloud, it can have a different sound to it compared to it being on paper.
  25. In Arts & Literature, I was just about to ask if any posters ever read their writing aloud to hear how it sounds. Whenever I'm in the middle of proofreading, revising, and editing, I always read my work aloud. Although, I sometimes try to not read too loudly because I don't want anyone thinking I just sit around talking to myself. I especially try reading the dialogues to my stories quieter, including the narration for "The Horrors Of Womanhood." For that particular story, I think will make the narrator's rant about women in the beginning longer to show just how angry and psychotic he really is as misogynistic gynecologist/serial killer.😂 It wouldn't surprise me if other posters are reading this and are saying, "OMG! I can't believe she just said that!"😱
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