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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. I haven't played this album in years. Lenny Kravitz actually wrote Madonna's "Justify My Love." Paying more attention to the lyrics, it DOES sound like a song written by Lenny.
  2. You're very welcome.👍
  3. Just passing by and wanted to wish you good luck!🍀
  4. If I ever have my collection of short stories published and released on audiobook, I wouldn't mind having Chad Cline be a narrator for at least1 of my short stories.
  5. Happy Birthday, KN! I just celebrated mine 2 weeks ago! Eat, drink, and be merry!🎊

  6. I wish I could've interviewed Peter Steele, before he died. With his dark and perverted sense of humor, I believe we would've gotten along with each other just fine. LOL!
  7. Bauhaus has always been a highly underrated Goth-Punk/Dark New Wave band. MTV never acknowledged them. The most mainstream recognition they have gotten over the last decade or so is because of the creators of South Park.
  8. Hehe. She said "missionary man." hehehehe *Insert Beavis and Butt-Head*
  9. The Violent Femmes are from my hometown and were scheduled to perform, this summer.
  10. I still think it sucks, that Funimation couldn't acquire the rights to Duran Duran's "Girls On Film," since Japan used it as the opening theme song for Speed Grapher.
  11. Speaking of '80s Industrial, I couldn't find an official music video but this song released in 1988.
  12. The story of my life.
  13. The uncensored version of Static-X's "I'm With Stupid" barely got the airplay it should've. We used to crack jokes about Wayne Static's vocals in high school and some of the lyrics, when boys weren't moshing in the hallways.🤣 Wisconsin Death Trip was and still is Static-X's best album to date. Their sound was different 20 years ago. Like he always said, "Keep Disco evil." LOL! RIP Wayne Static!
  14. Haven't played this soundtrack or Helmet's album, Betty in ages. This version sounds much better in my opinion.
  15. With my hectic schedule both on and offline, I still have yet to see the remake in its entirety. However, I did manage to watch a few clips on YouTube. I am so glad that their names are being properly pronounced in the dub, this time around. That was my only complaint about the original 2001 dub. Meanwhile, I am slightly disappointed that Akito Sohma has been changed back into a woman. Even though Akito is a woman in the Manga, I miss listening to Chad Cline's depiction of the character. Chad voicing Akito was chilling, especially when saying he had to "re-educate" Yuki. Creepiness.
  16. Yeah, no lie about that. Being born in the early '80s and growing up during the '80s and '90s were strange times. However, those were the last best decades of the 20th Century. So far, this century sucks. I guess that's the price we pay for getting older. Maybe tomorrow I'll post more. These last 3 days have kicked my ass. Talk about being exhausted.😴
  17. Wow! That must be the uncut version of Culture Club's "Do You Really Want To Hurt Me?" It's been played God knows how many times and have been watching that video for years and I have NEVER seen "Black Face" in it, until now. It's amazing what you learn.
  18. Not that it really matters on here or anything, but we both share the same birthday (Boy George and I), which was on Friday. Mine has been celebrated for the last 2 days (It must be a Gemini thing). Damn, am I sleepy. Whew!
  19. Speaking of "Papa Don't Preach."
  20. Re-watching this video as an adult is infuriating. Growing up, I never really paid that much attention to this video on MTV or the song. I just thought it was similar to Madonna's "Papa Don't Preach" because of the man trying to control her by scolding her like a child. After re-watching "Voices Carry" multiple time on MTV Classic, I get it now. BTW: The boyfriend in here gives me creepy Patrick Bateman vibes.
  21. Speaking of The Breakfast Club.
  22. Damn it! hate Windows 10. Did anyone post this yet? I can't remember if I did or not. I can barely see what has and hasn't already been posted. Anyway, this song brings back memories of The Breakfast Club. Every time I hear this song now, I start laughing because of that scene where John asks Claire if she's gonna have a "White Wedding."
  23. This song is supposedly about the so-called Pogo dance craze and being kicked out the dance clubs for Pogoing. I fail to understand how hopping is dancing but whatever. Take it up with this band. LOL!
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