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Everything posted by PurgatoryGirl

  1. Seriously? How is that even possible?
  2. Glad you enjoyed your birthday.
  3. In another 1/2 hour, Eli Roth's History Of Horror: Part 3 will be airing on AMC.
  4. Your teeth hurt? Sounds like you may need to go get some cavities filled at the dentist.
  5. The Trick Or Treating for kids within my town doesn't start until the day of Halloween. That reminds me, I still have yet to finish up eating the rest of my other Gummi Candy. Had I not been running around like crazy earlier, I could've sat and ate them while watching some movies.
  6. I've eaten both sweet and sour Gummi Spiders. If the stores sell more creepy crawly-looking candy around Halloween for the kiddies, they would probably be more of a hit. Earlier, there were some kids being driven around by their parents to do Trick Or Treating. They didn't stop at my house or anyone else' house on my street. Since there's nobody on my street with kids, it would've been a waste of time stopping at our houses, anyway. That's besides the fact, that they were coming from a different city to go Trick Or Treating.
  7. Hopefully, more will take time out of their busy schedules and post.
  8. When I have more time, I will have to check it out. As far as languages go, I will watch it in both Japanese and English. Some Anime sound better in dubs. Some are better in subs. Some sound decent in both languages. Then again, I'm not Siskel or Ebert, or the Nielsens Ratings Box.
  9. Part 2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DBZ4EVER!!! Hopefully, your birthday was festive for Halloween! Eat, drink, and be merry!
  10. OMG! Yes! Growing up, I always hated Peeps, White Chocolate, and those Hollow Bunnies made of White Chocolate for Easter. The gagging I tell you!
  11. Marshmallows in Rice Krispie Treats is the only way I can eat marshmallows without gagging. Don't get me started on Peeps. Just the thought of them nauseates me. Ugh!
  12. Happy Birthday! Eat, drink, and be merry!
  13. On my street, there are no children. It's mostly filled with retirees who spend most of their time walking and it's usually women walking their dogs. In away, it kinda sucks.
  14. Even though, I will eat other candy, I tend to favor chocolate candy.
  15. Eating Rice Krispie Treats is the only time I will ever eat marshmallows because marshmallows make me gag. So does Candy Corn. Yuck! On my local news, they have recently reported that there is special beer being sold at a local bar, which is made to taste like Candy Corn. Some of the reporters had mixed opinions about it. Personally, I was never a beer drinker. When I used to drink, I drank either wine, or malt liquor. Pierre Smirnoff's Green Apple Twisted was a drink, that college friends KNEW I drank. Candy Corn, marshmallows, and beer? *HURL* We seriously need a gag smiley on this site.
  16. In a few minutes, Eli Roth's History Of Horror will be airing on AMC.
  17. I try being nice to most people. Emphasis on MOST and not all. If they have treated someone I personally know horribly, it shouldn't be a surprise that I'm not quick to act chummy with them. This can especially be said about those, who have spent YEARS treating me like shit. When something horrible happens to them, I won't be shedding tears.
  18. Like psychopaths, sociopaths lack empathy. There is a slight difference between the 2, but that is a common trait they both lack. Empathy.
  19. Is Ghost Hunt. Why? Because girls are icky. This summer I was about to order Ghost Hunt for only $16 at Walmart, but I ran out of birthday money to spend. I had already spent the last of it ordering The Wallflower and Shiki from Right Stuf Anime. If you can overlook the fact that Ghost Hunt is branded as being a Shoujo Horror Anime like Hell Girl, you just might like it. Ghost Hunt deals with espers, exorcisms, poltergeists, the occult, ghosts, spirits, and psychics. BTW: To help set a spooky tone, the opening theme song sounds eerie.
  20. It has been ~12 years, since I last watched Murder Princess too.
  21. Glad you approve. I was actually thinking about sharing Ghost Hunt too, if I can find a link to it.
  22. Even though some of us are in the minority, I would've loved for Adult Swim to have aired Tokyo Ghoul: re. This spring, I only managed to watch the first 5 episodes of it. Had I not been so busy this year, I probably would've watched the rest of Season 3. Last year, I managed to watch the OVA's, Tokyo Ghoul: JACK and Tokyo Ghoul: PINTO. If you liked watching Tokyo Ghoul, you may want to watch those 2 OVA's. JACK and PINTO are prequels regarding Arima and Tsukiyama's pasts. Watching both OVA's made it a little easier to understand, who some of the other characters are in Tokyo Ghoul: re. Some may be confused about the overall franchise, but I was able to understand how political Tokyo Ghoul really is. In episode 5 of Tokyo Ghoul: re, I immediately noticed that it focused on trafficking humans and ghouls. It felt a lot like what we read and hear about in our national news in regards to sex trafficking and whatnot.
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