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Everything posted by MegaNaraku

  1. Hahaha it would be hilarious
  2. Update: I started pre packing my lunch. Next time it happens, I’m putting some hot peppers in his juice. He doesn’t go into an already made lunch it seems. I’ve known this guy since high school, but even some friends are annoying to live with
  3. I’m late to it, but currently reading Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
  4. I usually use Hulu for their anime selection. They don’t have a lot that I like otherwise. Netflix does ocassionally
  5. She’s gonna give you the date. But if you go home with her, be prepared for sex/fetish activities
  6. A scent to behold
  7. I'm sure some bored scientists did a study on it before. Interesting thing to google
  8. It brings me joy to come back and still see this going on. I remember when it first started on the ASMB. You've done well elfie
  9. He loves drinking Naked juice, so I could honestly do that
  10. Time to start reverse labelling everything. Fun tactic
  11. Seems like a way to go
  12. I could never forget my family
  13. Thats what I thought. Military studs have nothing on us
  14. I know I'm pretty known for peering in and disappearing for months at a time. Gotta stop that
  15. So, I'm a pretty scheduled guy on a regular basis. I buy my own food, and eat certain things. And I buy food strictly for my work lunches as well. What is a "professional" way to tell your roommate to stop stealing your food? He won't admit to it. And I have asked him about it before. We agreed on how to split bills. But we each buy our own food. And I've realized he's taking mine and messing up my work lunch flow.
  16. Hello to you too
  17. Theres always some national [insert whatever] day. Too many
  18. I believe I did
  19. Yup yup. Im still lurking around
  20. Hmmmmmm, I can't remember. Maybe you or Rogue. I'm sure I got some invite, but my memory is crap
  21. I just.... always come back. It isn't fair!
  22. I shall keep all of that in mind. Arigatou gozaimasu
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