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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. Possibly. I don't go there enough to see the criteria
  2. Even as a joke this just isn't necessary.
  3. I tried it around Thanksgiving because I wanted to the Chargers smoke Dallas. It was good and works well but for the price it'd just be cheaper to add cable to my internet from Comcast. Of course this is just me.
  4. Excuse me while I exit this vehicle.
  5. Oh I got you, I thought you meant holiday related threads. It's been a long day for me with just under 2 hours to go.
  6. Not much of a holiday fan and I always miss all the scandls. It's almost not fair, gotta pick everything up second hand.
  7. Well now I'm offended. I could so touch a nerve if I wanted.
  8. Hope that something catches on and keeps momentum going to last at least a day or so.
  9. I know better then to touch a nerve or I know that I did?
  10. I mean I try to do something here and there but if the right people don't log in it doesn't matter. Although that's not to say some threads I made back on the ASMB did way better then I thought they would.
  11. There's a reason he can turn water into wine.
  12. Sounds like I touched a nerve.
  13. I'm not dressed nice but nice enough to go places and get out of cars.
  14. It's more of a comfort thing. I feel more comfortable in jeans and a shirt then anything else.
  15. Trust me. It's not for you.
  16. You wouldn't like it.
  17. I always like to be dressed in case I need to go somewhere or do something.
  18. I can't do that unless I'm sick. It bugs me not being dressed.
  19. You don't know where I keep it.
  20. He looks like a George.
  21. So we're to assume that he's living with his parents? Either that or his job has terrible pay. Should have been a custodian like Packman.
  22. This is why I don't use cash.
  23. Ah. Thank you. Shit looks evil
  24. What the fuck are they actually building?
  25. I come and go alot but if I've been gone for a while and log in I'll take a scan to see if there's anything worth responding to. If there isn't anything I'll just log out again.
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