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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. Sex works wonders.
  2. I could ask you to prove me wrong. Which you also can't do.
  3. Maybe they will just be jealous if you don't share the good stuff.
  4. Just friendly advice but you know feel free to go for it anyway. I'll wait.
  5. You poor man. Such a sad life.
  6. Because that stuff is really sticky and bitch to clean. So unless you like what would eventually feel like sandpaper going across your nipples I'd steer clear.
  7. That isn't a good idea.
  8. You've never seen cotton candy before it was cotton candy I'm guessing.
  9. Hot? Maybe. Definitely not as fun as people who are in their 20s-30s. Experience is everything.
  10. How'd that voiceover gig go?
  11. Well I'm sure you can get those scenes you'd like, in the meantime having a paying gig is good. I'd also imagine that staying relevent is also good. People remember you which creates a demand for you which keeps you employed.
  12. Ah that makes sense. They can't do both? Like book the young stud and then get you a adult to pick you up like a plaything?
  13. Do they not preform well?
  14. That's what I thought. I mean he posted one that's for that, unless trap doesn't cover it and you'll be doing more Tgirl then trap. I've had a long day and I'm not thinking clearly.
  15. Like for them to find thier own stuff or other Tgirls?
  16. I don't know why but I figured you'd know. Color me intrigued
  17. Agreed. Finally got the case I wanted so I'm using my Note 8. Love it.
  18. I'm sure there is one. Poof could probably tell you where.
  19. You and me both.
  20. Sorry, it says the moops.
  21. Kinda like that. The moops.
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