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Everything posted by Derackthehunter

  1. You mean the same balloon picture you always use?
  2. So it doesn't count because I just started it but I haven't even finished chapter 1 of The evil within and I've died like 10+ times already.
  3. Was that like a known glitch or just your copy? Because that's a bad glitch to overlook before releasing a game.
  4. That'll ruin any game.
  5. Damn that's quite the list. LA Noire was pretty good I recommend trying to finish it.
  6. Correct in my circles. I'm guessing the opposite is true in yours.
  7. They can but rarely do.
  8. I think they would still count. Either that or he didn't want this to be directly aimed at just women because well that's just no fun.
  9. I do too. I also hate plot holes
  10. Alright bro. Air five
  11. My boxers aren't form fitting so it wouldn't look great. For a reference I've been told I have a great ass for a guy which is cool considering I do nothing for it.
  12. Gotta fine the line before we can cross it I see.
  13. Take a couple deep breaths and you should be ok
  14. Oh make sure you eat before hand. I feel like that would distract me too much if was hungry
  15. I do that's why I safely made that assumption. You really liked your old place so this must have been a nice upgrade.
  16. I'm surprised weed wouldn't help with that.
  17. I assume it was well worth it.
  18. For work?
  19. Working through some back pain while trying to make this gig last as long as possible while I wait for the position I really want to open up at another company. Although on the plus side there's some good looking lady Manager or LP here today that I haven't seen in a while. So I occasionally have something to look at.
  20. Man I don't even use that. I mean I'm on there because you fucking have to but I don't use it. Honestly email or here is the best way.
  21. Another reason I don't use FB.
  22. Haven't played that one yet.
  23. I only get to play a few hours a week.
  24. Maybe. But I'm more of a minesweep guy.
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