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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. Chyna is dead...thanks Blohama
  2. I still hold steady on this.
  3. <3 me some meat curtains
  4. :420: pie
  5. I bet you'll be calling her late at night breathing heavily into the phone.
  6. BUMP IT UP THE ASSS UGGGGH 8========D~~~
  7. Because you like sweaty rolls and varicose veins .
  8. NeurocideVibekillah


  9. I think you sort of miss the point of this thread if you're posting LoG. Unless you like fucking dead bodies while having delusions of condemnation ....if so all the power to you I guess. -_'
  10. Yep, just you way you like it sweetfart!
  11. I really don't care what anyone thinks if they don't consider everything a person says or does. Usually perceptions based upon first impressions are usually unfair and erroneous assumptions. I guess though, for the sake of argument, if I want to be perceived as anything it would be my true honest self. Someone who has a pitch black sense of humor but knows when to be tactful and serious when necessary, but not when being treated like shit for no reason. Those people deserve all the hate in the world for being unreasonable cunts and need to fuck off and die for being so god damn ignorant.
  13. The song has to have specific characteristics in order to qualify. The song has have a simple yet upbeat rhythm to it that makes you wanna ram your love stick up your lover's door # 2. Mainly consisting of drums going bass-snare-bass-snare. It also helps if the song is either disco or 80's pop/ Here's a few examples: Best of luck! 8======D~~~~ (_(_(
  14. My yard looks like Frosty the snowman and Jack Frost had an endless orgy with a hoard of snow golems.
  15. That sounds pretty much like what I did. I just started rehearsing with my own band back in November as well. I had a Peavey VIP amp that sounded really awesome at home but when I brought it to band audition the thing couldn't handle high volume for shit. I guess that's a common problem with modeling amplifiers with wattage lower than 100w, they give you really nasty feedback at high volume. I thought I might have to deal with the same problem with the Marshall not sounding good at high volume, but luckily I have a ton of options to choose from including what kind of cab I want to model inside the amp. It also helps tremendously that it has a nice noise gate that I can adjust at high volume so I don't have any problems with feedback. The sound could still be a little better, but I got a lot of options inside the amp and for my local band and practicing at home its really good.
  16. Nah, Thordendal uses a Mesa Triple Rec. It's a bit more throaty and has more presence. My sound is a little bit brighter and thrashy but not too dissimilar in style than Meshuggah.
  17. The recording of the amp straight into usb is kinda crap though. I hope I won't have to deal with it for very long. http://vocaroo.com/i/s1nujxSsIlVN
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