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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. A like for agreement...a big fucking no on the bleeding. :::
  2. It's nothing I need to worry about. It's just a suggestion for those who love to hear themselves talk.
  3. Bite my lip and close my eyes take me away to paradise!
  4. Narcissism :fap:
  5. Best way to be, I can play guitar and video games all day!
  6. I feel that way about the 80s. I know faaaaar too much about that decade.
  7. Dude, fuck yeah I still do. A majority of my recorded [as] programming still exists on VHS.
  8. "touch my vagina, and caress my Jewel" Her clit?
  9. 3 letters L S D
  10. We're going to need a bigger boat.
  11. What the fresh fuck!!! I like the sound of that phrase.
  12. Whatever gets you and your mother off, I guess
  13. Why don't you stuff your dick in a light socket. >
  14. Yeah, I'm getting pretty close to losing my teeth. Periodontitis is a motherfucker, but I think I'll still be good after the surgery if I take care of my teeth more. After the Vicodins and the Doxycycline my gums are no longer pusy or swollen. So that's good at least.
  15. My gums to be exact.
  16. Potatoes.
  17. Funny, I don't seem to have that problem here and I have Comcast too. Of course, I only use the internet through my cable company and so far the promotional price I have when I first got it has stayed consistent. Its definitely better than the outages I had to deal with when I had Dish and the even shittier local cable company I had when I lived out in the styx of Wisco.
  18. That line should be on his epitaph if he's not cremated. Also, I agreed he was an actor I wasn't expecting to go so soon. Loved him in Weird Science and Aliens.
  19. I wish I would've gotten Elder Scrolls on PC instead of console. It's not nearly as much fun or seamless.
  20. Well, here's to hoping I won't die like Bill Paxton or be in mind blowing pain. :brownbottle:
  21. I ate your chips. J00r welcome. ::spin::
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