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Everything posted by NeurocideVibekillah

  1. But me and Rogue_Alphonse[/member] are having a Tinychat session. Feel welcome to join...or be a cock and don't. Your choice. PW: notwelcome https://tinychat.com/roguealphonse
  2. Yes porn....ALLL THE POOOOOORRRRRRRNNNNNNN ALso: Metal, Pot, Food Retro Video Games and Guitars
  3. Personally, I'm looking forward to some of the other games that have been mentioned, although I'll pass on Skyrim - If I really wanted to play that in higher quality I'd just download it on the PC. Nintendo has been known for the past 10 years for being way behind the curve as far as capable technology, but for a solid mobile gaming system that is also much like the Wii in its motion control, at least from what I've seen with 1, 2, Switch, and the fact that it has pretty much the same tech as the Wii U without sucking nearly as hard, I'd say it wins as far as innovation; which is fine by me. Graphics tech isn't the most important think to me. So as far as a new console to get for 1080p gaming console, it might be a toss up between the Switch and the PS4.
  4. It seems alright. I like the fact that, unlike the cumbersome flawed design of the Wii U, its a little bit sleeker and you have the ability to take it anywhere you want. Not to mention a big winner for me with the system comes with the beautiful looking new Zelda game and the fact that both new Dragon Quest rpgs are coming to the system as well as Dragon Quest Warrior: 1 & 2. So who has it? Is it worth the cash...or is it buggy or overhyped? Love to know.
  5. As much as I love that song dude, I'll do you one better.
  6. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 WOOOOOOOO!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
  7. I won't disagree with that. I grew up with that song!
  8. Women and Children First to be exact. I know some of you probably aren't into old school shit or Van Halen for that matter, but if you're into wild shit to get you into a good mood. Highly recommended. Just super saiyan.
  9. skeet skeet skeet.
  10. I'd prefer :420: if I had the connection...not that I can afford either right now.
  11. Eh, i think he was more observational than anything. He shared his opinions but he never claimed anything that couldn't be perceived by observing everyday life. Now Bill Hicks on the other hand..
  12. Like a whole lot....
  13. Hopefullly better than the canned shit. Hate that stuff.
  14. It was part of my line up after watching flies fucking and paint drying.
  15. Prescription drugs for me, close enough.
  16. Its all the narcissism and lack of empathy man.
  17. I don't know, why don't you give me a kiss right on the lips to make me feel better? You know you want to.
  18. ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin:: ::spin::
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