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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. Fugg gonna get catfished
  2. Because all superstitions are inherently linked to theism. ::]::
  3. Sounds like Jman's being tsundere for OP. Moose hurt his wittle feelings. Really, though. I've interrupted one of Moose's outbursts with an explanation for why I don't like OP and he thanked me for the explanation, made a few counterpoints, and moved on. So, pretty sure he's playing up the psychosis.
  4. Mewn[/member] you could also pick up Osomatsu-san when Gintama ends. It is by the same director. It's amazing. Forewarning, you have to use less than legal means to watch the masterpiece of the original first episode. Not sure if that matters to you. >.>
  5. Fine. Correction: Landfill. ::HMM::
  6. Yeah, I did describe you after all.
  7. It doesn't count if your One Step Plan involves digging through a dumpster behind a bar hoping to find an unfinished beer.
  8. Next you should give us a recipe to make Packard shut the fuck up.
  9. I had one and you never gave it to me.
  10. [spoiler=your mom] :fap:
  11. No, she can and will almost constantly.
  12. Finally got to watch the third episode. We resorted to a legal method which meant a bunch of shitty ads that made it less fun to watch. The maple syrup thing was genuinely one of the dumbest things I've ever seen a show attempt to pass off as serious drama. And did they photoshop it onto the picture of Veronica or did they somehow get it all over her face without her noticing? God, this whole episode felt very irrelevant (compared to he rest of it) and even progressively dumber.
  13. Why won't they let you post a picture of your face? ::HMM::
  14. Don't lie. They were never good.
  15. Yes, you were born in the wrong decade to still be pursuing high school girls.
  16. Did janitors suddenly start making more than accountants and lawyers, or are you just incredibly stupid? By the way, that's rhetorical. I know the answer.
  17. No, if it were truthful it'd be the janitor getting catty over people not liking his scent of stale cigarettes and urine.
  18. Tostitos? whut
  19. I'm trying to figure out where the proverbial yeast infection fits into the metaphor.
  20. It was stupid the first time I saw it. Hasn't changed.
  21. Caleb produced some of the weirdest drama. Like the part of the show when they initially introduced the possibility of Dylan being a incest rape-baby and Dylan getting mad at Norma over it...? That stuff was real questionable. But still, Dylan has had some of the best parts, too, usually when it came to Norman more than Norma. The whole never knowing when Caleb wants something or if he's trying to help makes it hard for me to decide how to interpret him, and I guess that might be intentional but the cast seem to all have well-determined opinions of him that can be a tad ill-defined. Other than some of the questionable choice of Dylemma abandoning Norma(n) and being iffy on Caleb, Norman's stuff was generally enjoyable in the expected awkward Norman way.
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