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Everything posted by naraku360

  1. You could just set an alarm on your phone or something. No need to put your personal notifications out in public.
  2. More like asshole fritter. :fap:
  3. I didn't say anything since I thought I'd be asleep by now, but I'm apparently still awake. Also, I should probably go to sleep since I'm getting kinda tired.
  4. You must be retarded.
  5. It's entertainment. People like kicking the idiot around.
  6. Hang on, 2 likes?! How could anyone get so many on a single post?!
  7. Yeah, smoke has a smell. I don't know if carbon monoxide in isolation has a smell, but smoke does.
  8. You should drink paint remover.
  9. Pretty good. You? I still don't know or care what this thread is about.
  10. Your entire sentiment fell apart, so now you're moving the goalpost. Two people in building, one in room A and one in room B. Fire starts in room A, person in A smells smoke, smoke reaches detector in Room A, person in room B hears detector before smelling because smoke is not in their room yet. It's basic logic.
  11. Do you expect anyone to know or care what the fuck you're talking about?
  12. "Look like"?
  13. How are you supposed to smell carbon monoxide before it reaches the area you're in? It's literally not in the room yet, you paint huffing, shit eating, fart licking, goat fucking retard.
  14. That's tells me nothing about the trend of rising temperatures unlike any seen before on a global scale that have been documented for over a century with a direct correlation betweeen CO2 emmissions from manmade sources gaining significant presence. It tells me you either had a bad weather forecast or a broken thermometer, and that you're an idiot for thinking that means anything to the well-documented global facts.
  15. I just fucking answered that, you fucking shithead. Because a single room with smoke in it doesn't equate to everyone in the building knowing there's a problem. It's literally in the post you just quoted. It alerts people before it can reach the entirety of the building, not just the people in the same room. Also, a fire isn't waiting for you to be awake to start. Just because someone can smell smoke while awake doesn't mean you can smell it asleep. A detector goes off and is likely to wake up a sleeping person who might have not noticed otherwise.
  16. He wants the evidence of cherrypicking that you've refused to present beyond shitty anecdotes because you don't have any reliable resources.
  17. What the fuck are you even talking about? Is this another fabricated story you've come up with?
  18. I'm making shit up because I recognized a smell without having to see it was there? If I smell dog shit and check the area and find, you know, dog shit, does finding the dog shit invalidate the scent? I mean, you just can't be this dumb, can you? Because, dumbass, a smoke detector picks up carbon monoxide and warns everyone in the building before the smoke can reach every room. Or, if you're sleeping and a fire starts, the noise is loud enough to wake most people. I've smelled smoke from burning food from completely a completely different room without even knowing anyone was cooking. That doesn't magically make smoke detectors pointless, it means I have a sense of smell and can figure out what something is without having to see it.
  19. Uh... "Gonna throw this garbage in the compactor and get something to eat" and no, I saw a black shirt. Nothing more, nothing less. I already clarified that. But of course, Packard be like
  20. I'd kill myself if there were a day where Glenn Beck started "catching up" to me. That's a fantastic way of knowing I'd become a utter retard.
  21. Yo, 1938_Packard[/member], answer the question, shitbag.^
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