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Everything posted by Judy

  1. I like FPS when it's a hybrid genre, like the game Psi-Ops on the PS2...you had guns, but that was hardly the best weapon at your disposal. Telekinesis and Pyrokinesis were among a few.
  2. I'm somewhere between a Degenerate and Hippy Filth...awesome. https://www.politicalcompass.org/yourpoliticalcompass?ec=-4.75&soc=-4.97
  3. Yes, but only because they did something in my dream and it took me a moment to realize what pissed me off didn't actually happen.
  4. I like the part where it's either over or I fall asleep.
  5. It sounds a little rapey.
  6. People tell you shit like that? I've wouldn't be able to keep your job long, I'd fly off the handle on people.
  7. The son in National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation is Leonard from Big Bang Theory
  8. I keep pretty much all condiments, once opened, in the fridge, so I don't see it as strange. Edit: Hot sauce, I guess I don't refrigerate, but it's got so much vinegar that bacteria refuses, lol, so it's no biggie. Salsa goes in the fridge, of course.
  9. No, though I sort of avoid doctors and hospitals unless I'm seriously injured or sick, thankfully, I haven't been either recently.
  10. I really enjoy chess, Texas Hold'Em, Pitch / Rook, Speed (used to have tournaments in grade school), Risk, Monopoly, Life I especially like Pitch and Rook played in teams. I'm really good at throwing out the fuck you cards at the right moment.
  11. Yeah, usually forgetting someone does hurt, but it's only the process that seems to kill you. It requires you to move on, passed that person, and forge new, better memories. Maybe realizing that the person you're trying to forget probably isn't the healthiest person to keep around and for your own sake, you find someone / something less volatile...some relationships just simply were not meant to be, and that can be a hard pill to swallow. Sometimes you may have to admit you were wrong and maybe a little blind, too. Basically, you live, you learn, and you grow. You'll meet other people. I don't know if this was necessarily love related, but it goes for most any relationship. You need time.
  12. 100% certain that ghostrek is not a virgin.
  13. Judy


  14. I dunno, you say likes are meaningless, but at the same time you associate it with why you're not posting? I don't get it. Post more. Worry less about others.
  15. Welp, time to pull the race card!
  17. I suppose since Squishy is too old now, for your tastes, it's time to bitch about the only boards you have at all.
  18. There's no work today, MLK day! I'm pretty elated.
  19. If you're a hobo trying to keep warm, you're going to be pretty cold around here. We piss on your dumpster fires.
  20. An outreach program contacted me last week, said that some of my farming work might help me with college. I think it's called Proteus. Anywho, I'm getting paid $300/wk to go back to school, I'm getting my AA in IT. I got a 99, 98, 89, and 87 in their Reading, Writing, two math portions, on their little Accuplacer test. I think perfect scores are 120, though, according to their scales for class placement.
  21. By default, I insult and rub it in their face as much as possible, anyway.
  22. <3 Concentrates, it's about all I consume now
  23. It's odd, I get up around 7am, every day, and I very rarely take naps, but I never drink coffee. I've always just been naturally a morning person who, when they wake up, they're up.
  24. I work at this hospital here in town as a lab courier, which just means that I pick up and deliver blood samples, usually frozen. My girlfriend is a case worker and, from what I understand, the state will send them to her office, where they receive essential job skills, resume building, gas vouchers, etc. Together, after bills, we do pretty decent.
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