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Everything posted by KageRageX

  1. That could just be an error......or Shippuden's still for a full hour, but they don't feel like mentioning it.....
  2. The great @Sketch..................... I could see that happening, but what about the 2:30 slot?
  3. Holy crap! Welp, nobody predicted this! What if we got Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War or Scavenger's Reign on the 18th to fill the extra slot? Then we'd end the year with this banger of an lineup! 12:00AM: Bleach: TYBW or Scavenger's Reign 12:30AM: Demon Slayer Mugen Train/Entertainment District arc -> hopefully it eventually leads to the Swordsmith Village arc 1:00AM: Dr. Stone Season 3 Cour 2 1:30AM: One Piece (FULL HOUR) 2:30AM: Naruto Shippuden
  4. So...............that happened............ Nov 11th: Scavenger's Reign x2, Dr. Stone, One Piece, Naruto Shippuden, FLCL Grunge Nov 18th: Scavenger's Reign, Dr. Stone, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden, FLCL Grunge Nov 25th: Attack On Titan: The Final Final Final Chapter Part 2 + AOT: TFFFC Part 1 Dec 2nd/9th/16th: Scavenger's Reign, Dr. Stone, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden, FLCL Grunge/Shoegaze Dec 23rd: FLCL Grunge/Shoegaze marathon Dec 30th: AOT: The Final Final Final Chapter Parts 1 + 2 Jan 6th/13th/20th/27th: Scavenger's Reign, Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War, Dr. Stone, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden Feb 3rd: Scavenger's Reign x2 , Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War, Dr. Stone, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden Feb 10th: Rick and Morty: The Anime x2, Dr. Stone, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden Feb 17th: Young Justice x2, Rick and Morty: The Anime, Harley Quinn x2, One Piece x2, Naruto Shippuden x3
  5. I actually think it's interesting. And I never got all the hate about Dragon Ball GT.
  6. So that's all we got........ So absolutely NOTHING about Rick and Morty: The Anime nor Uzumaki? The new Dragon Ball Daima anime is cool! Other than that, fuck Adult Swim and this was a colossal waste of my fucking time.
  7. Bruh I not tryna say AS should air anime up the wazoo....... I'm saying AS should fix itself some..... I even came up with a SIGNIFICANTLY reduced schedule for it...... Note that here, CN gains a extra 2 hours, but for a tween/teen Toonami block featuring Steven Universe, One Piece, Naruto Shippuden and Young Justice. 7-9PM remains Checkered Past with the same lineup. Also, revival of Midnight Run from 12-1AM because AS needs A LOT MORE VARIETY! Also, CN gets 5-9PM on Saturdays and ACME Night back, thus reducing [AS] to a 9PM start time on the weekends. Like how it's supposed to be.......... MONDAYS-THURSDAYS 9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2 10:00PM: American Dad x2 11:00PM: Rick and Morty 11:30PM: Camp Camp 12:00AM: Harley Quinn 12:30AM: The Venture Bros. 1:00AM: The Boondocks 1:30AM: Robot Chicken 2:00AM: Aqua Teen Hunger Force 2:30AM: Metalocayplse 3:00AM: DVR Theater (FULL HOUR) 4:00AM: Futurama x2 5:00AM: King of the Hill x2 FRIDAYS 9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2 10:00PM: American Dad x2 11:00PM: Rick and Morty 11:30PM: Camp Camp 12:00AM: Random Show x6/12 3:00AM: DVR Theater (FULL HOUR) 4:00AM: Futurama x2 5:00AM: King of the Hill x2 SATURDAYS 9:00PM: American Dad x2 10:00PM: Rick and Morty x2 11:00PM: Scavenger's Reign 11:30PM: Rick and Morty: The Anime 12:00AM: Bleach: The Thousand Year Blood War 12:30AM: One Piece x2 1:30AM: Naruto Shippuden 2:00AM: Dr. Stone Season 3 Part 1 x2 3:00AM: FLCL Grunge/Shoegaze 3:30AM: Ballmastrz: 9009 4:00AM: Futurama x2 5:00AM: King of the Hill x2 SUNDAYS 9:00PM: Bob's Burgers x2 10:00PM: American Dad x2 11:00PM: Rick and Morty 11:30PM: Royal Crackers 12:00AM: Ten Year Old Tom 12:30AM: Camp Camp 1:00AM: Teenage Euthanasia 1:30AM: The Eric Andre Show 2:00AM: The Boondocks 2:30AM: Robot Chicken 3:00AM: Aqua Teen Hunger Force 3:30AM: Metalocalypse 4:00AM: Futurama x2 5:00AM: King of the Hill x2 Thoughts
  8. I want Bob gone.......And Hank and Fry........ AS needs to reinvent itself....
  9. The Dexter's episode where he whispers in that girl's ears aired today, as well as the episode where the Eds try to make a movie.
  10. HA! But seriously, it's just sad how we got to this point........ I think a weekday Toonami block with One Piece, Young Justice, Naruto Shippuden and My Hero Academia followed by Checkered Past then Adult Swim would have been far better!
  11. I will be watching, but I personally hope the block fails......
  12. I came home from school to get away from BS, yet this........ I think Toonami's finna be 2 hours....
  13. Exactly...... As far as I'm aware, we could be losing a hour in August/September, thus leaving us with this: 12:00: FLCL Grunge 12:30: One Piece 1:00: Naruto: Shippuden 1:30: My Hero Academia Or................being positive, Keep Your Hands Off of Eizouken and Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War or Urusei Yatsura and Zom 100 could actually replace these shows....... 12:00: FLCL Grunge 12:30: Bleach: The Thousand-Year Blood War 1:00: Zom 100 1:30: One Piece 2:00: Naruto: Shippuden 2:30: My Hero Academia. I want to see some active stuff with the block, but at this point, I just can't keep being positive about anything going on at WBD as a whole. Perhaps if Toonami was still on CN proper or at least came back, this could be the schedule: 7:00: Villainous 7:30: Jade Armor 8:00: Gremlins: Secrets of Mogwai 8:30: My Adventures with Superman 9:00: Boruto: Naruto Next Generations 9:30: One Piece 10:00: Naruto Shippuden 10:30: Dr. Stone
  14. So we got some new stuff, and we got some nothing......
  15. So they chose a boring-ass scene(other that the dad going psycho) and didn't even give us a proper release date? Why?
  16. Yeah, I fear this is gonna wind up like the others. And I feel that at this rate, it's only a matter of time before AS abandons the block like CN did.
  17. Holy crap.......Superman's a hit on Toonami. Can't wait to see how this week performs!
  18. Can't wait to watch the new episode live tonight!
  19. So, considering a idea I suggested on these forums, I figured that it could work well enough as it's own thread. So basically, you come up with a idea for a comic book-based animated adaptation. It can be any kind of comic. I'll start: Wonder Woman: The Animated Series Premiered in 2010 shortly after the release of the Wonder Woman direct-to-DVD film, the series shows the origin story of Wonder Woman and shows her life trying to balance living a normal life and fighting supervillains. So, come on, bring your ideas here. Oh, and it's not just a DC or Marvel thread. Any kind of comics is included. Hell, even Archie and Fawcett/Charlton is allowed!
  20. Thanks! Sorry it took me so long to respond. You know, that's a good idea. I'll keep that in mind. In fact, I might even start a whole thread about this.
  21. I see that.......... Nah. They should just drop Futurama. Besides, I'm sure DIsney wants it back now for the new Futurama.
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