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Everything posted by KageRageX

  1. It's Dragon Ball. It NEEDS to air on linear TV someWHERE at SOME point.
  2. That would be THE SAUCE! Or Williams Street could do it their own damn selves and stop being lazy.
  3. They could make their own cool-ass AMVs and stuff.
  4. It's crazy how this show just ended after so long.
  5. If they weren't stupid, either Suicide Squad Iseaki, Kite Man: Hell Yeah! or Batman: Caped Crusader would be on in September.
  6. Can you please STFU with that? Why can't both of them be entertaining? Because one's from the US? Yeah, and that's just mean. Especially coming from the person who has "scoobdog eats A$S and PU$$Y" as his literal fucking signature. Right. And Harris is right that the block should focus less on anime. All because you can't overrated shonen slop that's not even as "WOW!" as older anime, that doesn't mean you have to resort to airing crappy reruns and Naruto/One Piece doubles en masse. If WB had a brain, Toonami would literally be their anime/action animation division by now. If I was in charge of WB, I'd make an IMMEDIATE executive order to pull all of our Japanese wares from every streaming service and move them all to Max and Toonami AND give Toonami a weekday/weeknight block on Adult Swim. Oh, and I'd start dubbing our anime ourselves using Sentai's VAs and WBA VAs. However, preexisting dubs continue as normal. Can you kinda not just do this for nothing?
  7. Yeah. I kinda didn't exactly map this initial lineup out. Yeah. I did also think that they could have showed us at another event or randomly online, but I guess that kinda wouldn't make sense. Also, I see the reference you did. Only because [as] is stupid. If they were smart, Toonami could have at least got 11:30. But if it ain't Fox or Rick and Morty, they don't give a fuck. Which is why I'm surprised Smiling Friends has been treated as well as it has been so far. But that's an exception rather than the norm. I could see Mashle. That's why I put it there. We already know they probably will, so I just put him there to avoid extra disappointment. I could see IFG, MHA S7 and Mashle coming in November. Even if we only have R&M Anime, Uzumaki, Demon Slayer and One Piece for premieres for now, at least it'd probably be worth it in November as we'd have IFG, MHA, Mashle, One Piece and maybe more Demon Slayer??? Or something else? Maybe Suicide Squad? Kite Man? Creature Commandos? an surprise premiere of Get Jiro? Really? He said that like, a dozen or so other times over the past year or 2 and we always wound up with either a slot cut or a rerun or double One Piece. And knowing them, that's exactly what they're NOT going to do. That would actually be stupid if they did the latter theory, but I wouldn't be surprised.
  8. If Aniplex said that, then why did they abandon them for 3 years? I could see it happening. Right.
  9. Called it. My predictions the rest of the year: Aug 12:00 - Rick and Morty: The Anime (Subbed for some godforsaken reason.....) 12:30 - Demon Slayer 01:00 - One Piece 01:30 - Naruto Shippuden 02:00 - DBZ Kai 02:30 - Ninja Kamui 03:00 - Demon Slayer??? 03:30 - Rick and Morty: The Anime (Dubbed) Sep/early Oct 12:00 - Rick and Morty: The Anime (Subbed for some godforsaken reason.....) 12:30 - Demon Slayer/Uzumaki 01:00 - One Piece/Demon Slayer 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - Naruto 02:30 - DBZ Kai 03:00 - Ninja Kamui 03:30 - Rick and Morty: The Anime (Dubbed) 04:00 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) Oct 12:00 - Uzumaki 12:30 - My Hero Academia 01:00 - Demon Slayer 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - Naruto 02:30 - DBZ Kai 03:00 - I.G.P.X. 03:30 - Uzumaki (Dubbed) 04:00 - Primal Nov 11:00 - Invincible Fight Girl 11:30 - Primal Season 3 12:00 - My Hero Academia 12:30 - Mashle??? 01:00 - Demon Slayer 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - Naruto 02:30 - DBZ Kai 03:00 - I.G.P.X. 03:30 - Uzumaki Dec 11:00 - Invincible Fight Girl 11:30 - Primal Season 3 12:00 - My Hero Academia 12:30 - Mashle??? 01:00 - Demon Slayer 01:30 - One Piece 02:00 - Naruto 02:30 - DBZ Kai 03:00 - I.G.P.X.
  10. Less because he left and more because they had ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING BACKUP PLAN FOR WHEN FAMILY GUY LEFT. Adventure Time? Star Vs. The Forces of Evil? We Bare Bears? Mao Mao? Gravity Falls? Gumball? Right. Called it. So this confirms that MHA's not coming this year because they blew the damn budget(again) or that Sony's finally putting their foot down on even MHA. Doesn't bode well for Dr. Stone.
  11. THey're fucking dumb for that then and I hope this whole plan bombs. I see cringe option happening, then we get MHA in October with Uzumaki and a new show in November alongside IFG. All of that is interesting, but sad part about it is that it took them this long to do that. And that's why Lazzo's not there anymore. He was just kinda incompentent IMHO now looking at some of the things... And when everyone's basically a stoner in some form now, the novelty kinda wears off, especially if you're been doing it for 20 years and kinda been screwing over your fanbase while you're at it. AS gets what they deserve. They made their bed, now they gotta sleep in it, and Family Guy showed us that. bruh.....I could actually create a decent anime-inspired wrestling series AND make it actually edgy and shit. Nice. Bruh......all because it has the CalArts style or the people come from CalArts, IT DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT'S AUTOMATICALLY BAD! The style just got that reputation because networks stopped giving a fuck in the late 2000s.....and trust me, as someone who predominately was a 2010s kid and shit, when I saw the 90s/2000s shit in reruns, I started noticing too...... Also, it's also the networks' fault why US Animation is dying.......And that live-action crap on Disney and Nick....and just kids....US Animation basically has no future at this point.....I'm just gonna go indie. I hope they keep it consistent. All because it's on a teen/adult-oriented network doesn't mean that it has to be all-out edgy. Calm shows like MAWS is actually nice to have to calm down/warm up with the edgier stuff.
  12. Why are they suddenly making the anime air subbed on Saturdays and dubbed on Thursdays? This sounds like a recipe for failure.
  13. Rooster Fighter: Looks good. Could be the show as well as Lazuars to turn things around. Invincible FIght Girl: Remind me why the fuck this is airing on Adult Swim again.....but it looks like it could be interesting. Just not on AS. Anything else we should be on the lookout for today?
  14. I hope this shit bombs so we can get a proper weekday Toonami block......or the time just goes back to Cartoon Block.
  15. I hate this network's programming decisions... All I'm gonna say.
  16. I don't get......... OH.... DAMN! 25 years since TOM was introduced...
  17. I hope this whole thing blows up in their face...... But whatever this "Rooster Fighter" is.....it better be fucking perfect!
  18. Get someone more compotent. Demarco's just as incompetent as the rest of CN/WS at this point. What the hell's a Soul Eater Brotherhood?
  19. Ok. Are you sure they'd actually want to burn off Shippuden? Maybe that is what August 3rd might actually be leading up to in addition to a hour-long premiere of Rick and Morty: The Anime. But isn't Suicide Squad Iseaki also getting a dub? If so, that should be at Midnight, if not, 11:30 due to brand alone. I can actually see Superman being reran unless they're stupid again. Just the fact they gave that show NO reruns after the first season ended is a sign either AS doesn't give a fuck or WB/DC's still on their hung-up BS. You sure that could happen? I'd more likely expect One Piece or double DBZ Kai to stay. Now that would be good TV, especially as the Fall season starts, and I have a gut feeling I'm gonna need this as a form of something to look forward to throughout the hellish week. But I don't think Gundam's ever gonna return at this point. That would be cool, but wouldn't they have shown Uzumaki at Annecy? And what happened to Adult Swim Expo? Also, I don't think Rewind would air Housing Complex C. And an Halloween anime marathon during regular AS? HAHAHA!!!!!! I wouldn't believe it even in a universe where they still aired anime on weekdays(not counting that stupid 90s block that's a decade too late). That would be a good way to use that night. I would watch, but would Disney let Bleach: TYBW air on Toonami, especially if FXX won't even air it(tho more due to severe dumbassery and incompetence). That is good. I am shocked you didn't find room for Kite Man: Hell Yeah!
  20. That's actually a great idea, not to mention, the best way about it going forward. It's not really, but moreso the fact that the seinen anime thing has pretty much...died...
  21. The answer for what to do with CN has pretty much been there for as long as you were a active member on the Toonzone/Anime Superhero Forums...... Make it a general audience network.
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