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Everything posted by Sawdamizer

  1. The girl you like is giving a dude that doesn’t care about her the double handed gawk gawk 9000 maneuver on his shaft
  2. Ghostie, how often do you think about your future ex wife getting dicked down on the reg because you haven’t made a move yet?
  3. Trying to find the emails, but it seems there were multiple examples of boner emails….
  4. Sawdamizer

    Scarlet Nexus

    Ok… I’m just gonna say it… this game is fucking beautiful, and it’s scratching all the itches I’ve had for a long ass time with games. The music is amazing… and well… there it is..
  5. Robert Kraft patrons asian spas… and he was doing gods work
  6. There is a person of this community that will not enjoy the context of this post
  7. Oh and sorry for your loss or whatever this thread is
  8. This captures his shit threads
  9. Accept his cum in your butt. beeeeeee free full of the spice
  10. I’ve seen the fair weather fans… but I am happy to see that the system was built around one guy, and not the criminal mastermind Bill… it was a question I wanted answered. Love Tom Brady, I’d go gay for him for just a night to get a teaspoon of his super cum in my ass… he is the goat… we ain’t that good anymore and it’s going to take some time to rebuild around a team that relied so much on high scoring offense…. that being said, I still think Mac can pull through. And thank god we are in a division that at least somewhat guarantees a playoff spot
  11. 1 800 kars4kids donate your car today
  12. I know you ain’t talking about me
  13. You know your team is trash when they send your ass to London
  14. May your latex always be full
  15. I don’t remember removing my birthday from here but I certainly know why I would have
  16. You missed a certain janitors yesterday
  17. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.tmz.com/2021/10/08/jon-gruden-racist-trope-email-demaurice-smith-las-vegas-raiders/ Raiders head coach job is up for grabs…. Later Chuck. I love how some media outlets are trying to downplay it by saying it was “a decade” ago, as if ten years ago this was ok…
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