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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Reads to children at the library, not from books but from posts from this place
  2. Has been arrested at several Six Flags locations for disorderly conduct for causing a scene after he was unable to get chicken biryani
  3. Got banned from Six Flags for dine and dashing
  4. Was with Fuggs when she committed felonious assault against the Six Flags mascot
  5. Goes to Six Flags just for the food
  6. Not gonna lie but I read the title as "Meth Question"
  7. Leftover roast, Mac and cheese and corn.
  8. Probably tracking down Poison Ivy. The place is called the Olive Garden where else would Ivy go out to eat? Back on topic Has horrible detective skills
  9. Once met Bruce Wayne at the Olive Garden
  10. Wore a Jim Cornette shirt an a AEW show and afterwards was in a coma for two years
  11. It's crazy to think that people here know more about me than people in real life
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