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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Can't afford to be neutral on a moving train
  2. Gonna make nachos when I get home from the Laundromat
  3. I like Side 1 of A Passion Play to me it the album falls apart on Side 2 And as far as Benefit goes that album very boring and forgettable to listen to and it doesn't help that it's sandwiched in between Stand UP and Aqualung
  4. Fair enough btw I tried my damnedest to like A Passion Play but it just didn't resonate with me
  5. I agree with that 💯 but if want a unpopular opinion Under Wraps is actually a good album
  6. Fuck it I'll say it, this place has been boring since she got permabanned
  7. I'll keep it going with more of my unpopular music opinions A Passion Play by Jethro Tull is not a good album. The consensus seems to be that this album is better than Thick As A Brick. I don't what type of Ganja these fans are smoking but I wish they would pass that shit my way. If there ever was an album that embodies every negative stereotype of 70s prog A Passion Play would be that album
  8. I got a couple surrounding Rush my all time favorite band 1. 2112 is massively overrated 2. 70s Rush isn't as great as fans hype it up to be. For me the 70s only comes to two albums A Farewell To Kings and Hemispheres. The rest of the of their 70s albums meh
  9. If you're going be a malcontent then the advice I have for you is to choose your battles carefully, I'm just saying
  10. A bowl of strawberries and cream oatmeal with some fresh strawberries of course
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