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Mode 7

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Everything posted by Mode 7

  1. Wendy's, I didn't feel like cooking tonight
  2. I'd rather listen to Christmas music than watch Christmas movies. Maybe I've outgrown Christmas movies but I just get bored trying to watch any sort of Christmas movie or special with the exception being A Christmas Story and Tokyo Godfathers because to me they're actually good movies in general but anything else is just the absolute shits.
  3. Beat me to it
  4. Best Two-Face
  5. Monday night I'll watch this one
  6. I think Sens fans owe Pierre Dorian an apology
  7. The Charlie Brown specials are just so boring. The comic strips are far superior to the cartoons.
  8. Ain't this a bitch, I was almost late to work because I couldn't find my Bluetooths and now I can't use them because I have to work on the register someone called off. But at least they're playing a classic rock station so maybe I won't need to put my Bluetooths in
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