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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. An article I read yesterday said that Smartmatic, another election technology company, is suing Fox News and what happens in the Dominion lawsuit will determine how future defamation cases against them will play. In other words, Fox News has years of legal problems ahead of them.
  2. After all these years, I am still giving Republicans a little credit in the sense I am expecting their pro-Trump fever to break when they realize it's going to destroy them. I'm preparing for them to suddenly turn on Trump and support someone else. But maybe I'm wrong and they will unhesitatingly follow Trump over a cliff. In which case, that's that.
  3. (As a Democrat, I consider DeSantis to be the real threat of the two. I suppose if things get REALLY bad for Trump and Trump has destroyed DeSantis, Republican voters could look for a third option. But we'll cross that bridge when we come to it, you know?)
  4. An anti-DeSantis ad from the Trump campaign. I'm fine with Trump destroying DeSantis. Trump is doing Democrats' work for them. https://twitter.com/natalie_allison/status/1646855386773831680
  5. A Russian tank was left at a truck stop in the United States after the truck hauling it broke down.
  6. Nationally, the 2020 election was great. But my state especially did well. We went Democratic in the presidential race for the first time since 1992, netted two Democratic U.S. Senate seats, netted three Democratic state legislature seats and ran Democratic candidates in almost every contest on the ballot. (Then in 2022, we netted three more Dem state legislature seats and the Dem U.S. senator won again.) Let's do it again in 2024.
  7. Oh okay, in the late afternoon on Nov. 4th, you guys start posting about Biden winning. And the mood in the thread starts improving.
  8. The general election was on Nov. 3 2020. The day after, you guys were a mix of people who thought Trump was going to win and people who were incredibly cynical about the election. I was pretty happy on Nov. 4, thinking Trump was going to lose because the state of Arizona got called for Biden the night before. I don't know what I would have said if I was posting here that day, probably something like, "stop being negative, all of you"
  9. It's like if one you guys on this message board suddenly started transcribing classified documents everyday, got mad because no one was interacting with the transcripts, and then started posting photos of the paper documents. Of course then, we'd ALL be on the legal hook for reading your posts.
  10. This from the leaked U.S. documents. Up to 43,000 Russians and 17,500 Ukrainians killed so far. By contrast, 2,402 Americans were killed in Afghanistan from 2001 to 2021 and 4,614 Americans killed in Iraq from 2003 to 2011.
  11. Me in 2016: If Trump loses this year, it'll be a one election loss for Republicans. But if Trump wins this year (he's totally NOT going to, I mean c'mon), Republicans will have lost several future election cycles. They may never recover. Republicans have lost 2018, 2020, 2022 and it looks like 2024 with Trump's meddling.
  12. What's wrong with Twitter (besides Musk): Instantaneous, stream of consciousness thoughts pretending to be serious statements. Every other tweet is this, and people don't understand their thoughts aren't that important or profound.
  13. NPR has the right idea. It's basically 4chan over there now.
  14. Leaked Pentagon documents suggest US is pessimistic Ukraine can quickly end war against Russia By Jeremy Herb, CNN Updated 3:06 AM EDT, Wed April 12, 2023 CNN — The highly classified leaked Pentagon documents posted to social media offer a pessimistic US viewpoint about the state of the war in Ukraine, highlighting weaknesses in Ukraine’s weaponry and air defenses and predicting a stalemate in the war for months to come. https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/11/politics/pentagon-documents-ukraine-war-assessment/index.html To me, this sounds kind of "duh" but others treat it like it's a revelation. The Ukraine war is going to go on for years. It may stalemate and become a frozen conflict but neither side is going to win for a long time. This is news to the Ukrainians and many of their supporters who want a quick decisive victory and see it as grave injustice if it doesn't happen. But the U.S. has been in the position of trying to tamp down those lofty expectations.
  15. It's interesting to see what the U.S. government REALLY thinks about things in their classified documents, but most of it you can assume with educated guesses based on their policies and public statements. It's a relief that there isn't anything TOO shocking in the classified documents. The "killed in action" estimate for both Russia and Ukraine is notable. I've been wondering that myself. This is the clearest answer we've gotten. And yes, the death toll is inconceivable. It makes the Afghanistan (2001-2021) and Iraq (2003-2011) wars look tame by comparison.
  16. "Who could forget the 2003 MySpace post..."
  17. This critic thinks it could be better than the new Mario movie. Well now I got to watch both of them.
  18. Wait, memes can be wholesome?
  19. When I lived in DC, I'd love seeing print copies of The Onion with headlines like that just displayed at Metro stations.
  20. Good. And it was predictable. I don't know what the Tennessee State legislature thought it was going to accomplish by expelling these guys. It was obviously not going to stand.
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