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Everything posted by Icarus27k

  1. Finally, a good part of the year. I hope you all have a good one. Also, if you have a birthday this month (it is one of the months with most births), that means your parents got busy around Christmastime. Now you know.
  2. Brian Kemp: okay, he did one good thing.
  3. The setting of "Blue Beetle" is strange. It's a fictional Palmera City, which is this futuristic resort city. Think of Dubai or Singapore. It's quite a change from the comics' setting of a realistic El Paso, Texas.
  4. Will it be impossible for the GOP to ever win a national popular vote again? The evidence of that happening in presidential elections is compelling. If it happens in Congressional elections (national popular vote for U.S. House), that would be significant. I'm going to watch for that in future elections. We may silently be seeing the growing irrelevance of one of the two big parties.
  5. Let's never forget McConnell stole Obama's third Supreme Court nomination by keeping the seat vacant for almost a year and refused to convict Trump twice in his Senate trials despite Trump's high crimes, both of which were quite alarming (extorting a foreign head of state and inciting a violent mob).
  6. If that really happened immediately after the question was asked, I would think it was a bit.
  7. I remember people were dismissive for years about the thought of Trump getting indicted.
  8. Trump will be in prison by next summer, imo.
  9. 2 Corinthians.
  10. I'm going to see this for the second time tonight. The first time, I mostly enjoyed it but felt it lagged around 3/4th of the way through. (It is 2 hours and 7 minutes long.) So why a second time? Because I'm a big DC fan, and even with comics, I find that I enjoy them more on a second read thru. By that time, I accept that I'm used to the story challenging my preconceptions and I can more fairly judge it.
  11. I just made the mistake of trying to figure out what a Republican is saying. WTF? Pence should have passed voting laws on Jan. 6, 2021? Does he me a quid pro quo: pass these laws or I'm not certifying the electoral college count? If so, sounds dumb and probably criminal.
  12. Your reminder that this meme exists.
  13. This criminalization of Republican crime is outrageous.
  14. Me in 2009: "Croc, huh? I wonder how campy he looks on th- HOLY CRAP he's terrifying."
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  15. I assume the GOP debate was detrimental to Trump because voters got a sense of a Trump-less politics and liked it. No, some X video with Tucker Carlson, who nobody remembers anymore, isn't close to being the same as a televised debate. Trump is on his way down the toilet, despite how much he tries to act like he's in control. He's going to pretend like he's the sitting president up till he's thrown in prison. He'll continue pretending but no one will hear him after that.
  16. If you're a resident of Georgia, there's a chance you could serve on the jury that convicts Trump. Trump is likely to file a motion in federal court to get his trial moved to federal court. This is a privilege given to federal officials charged with state level crimes. If the motion does NOT succeed, it'll be a normal Georgia state trial with residents of Fulton County as jurors. If the motion DOES succeed it'll still be a trial on Georgia state criminal law; a conviction would still be considered a Georgia state conviction and therefore not pardonable by the president of the United States, and the jurors will be residents from the federal court Northern Georgia district. So, if you live in north Georgia, there's a chance.
  17. It's not the most important thing, but Trump's height and weight is listed as the laughable 6'3" and 215 pounds. Apparently the Fulton County Jail just takes people's words for it.
  18. I've seen a few dumb people make the claim Trump looks tough/intimidating in his mugshot. Those people would also fall for anything.
  19. The timing of the Georgia trial has gotten interesting.
  20. Human-caused climate change, yes. It underlies everything going on in the world's weather. But there's got to be additional reasons to explain the difference between this year and last year. High pressure systems over the Atlantic Ocean, leading to reduced trade winds over the sea surface and less pollution/Saharan dust have to to be playing roles.
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