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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. No just drunk helping giving the new people advice on moving in, spilling alcohol on one of my close friends glasses, and hanging out in people’s rooms who I am not even close with. Been in my room now for the past hour 2 hours lol kill me
  2. Tbh I’ve just got that over drunk bitch of the day, hanging out to long, saying dumb shit but still also being hyper aware of what is going around me kinda vibe. Oh the anxiety. Lol I’ve crying for a half hour lol. I need self control. Smoking weed now.
  3. Uh ngl, make sure I have safe passage away from earth 1st, then negotiate its safety. 🤣
  4. Da hell? Shit ma well sir I am still confused by your prompt? What is defined as of mind?
  6. Isn’t that the million dollar question? Like what is good? What is it’s antithesis? Is anything truly good or bad? Or is it all just understanding of the human condition. Lol someone stop me from embarrassing myself.
  7. I would try to analyze and research what type of infection it is to understand what is going on with it.
  8. My response is... What the hell is a quantum harmonzier and what is a photonic resonation chamber?
  9. Thanks, would you like to hear me rant about a bunch of shit that doesn't matter?
  10. So many repercussions. StAying here will keep me out of trouble
  11. I love that I happen to be talking as you took this screenshot. XD
  12. lol imagine sharing a single bathroom with 30 people. I mean, there is a second toliet on the 1st floor, but that one doesn't have a sink.
  13. Honestly, I just feel so justified in passing the class. I literally was coding 85% of projects, I would be the only person doing labs and hw during the week while he was sulking. Then by our 2nd midterm, when the quarantine hit, our teacher made it optional to take it, and to those who didn't, their scores on the final would be factored into what their midterm could have been. I was feeling confident that I could do the 2nd midterm since I was doing the most work out of our group. Well I bombed, and now with 66% of the final done, I've already DOUBLED my previous midterm scores. So it's more of a feeling of having my work validated. lol
  14. I was lurking while studying with him on zoom laughing at this! 😂 The thought did cross my mind in the beginning of the semester, but I've also changed a lot from the nicer person I used to be in my early 20's. And tbh, I miss her, so I'm retrying the "kill them with kindness" route again. Cause I think I need to re calibrate how I act these days. XD
  15. for at least the summer since we both signed up for the same internship from our same prep class. But as far as having him as a lab partner in the cs class that I was failing? Well I ended up actually scooping up most of the work on projects since he kinda shut down out of fear during the semester quarantine. He was relying on me to share code with him for the rest of the semester. And now that we have our final split up into 3 sections this week, after taking the first two sections and getting our grades back, I think I passed the class!!!!!!!!!!!! AHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHSHSAAHWSJDHGILAREHI;GUEPOVW3IJ5NY WBA7OE8LG Suck it STEM kids. 😎 *teacher is giving us our final early so we can drop class if we do bad. Also camo guy has not made that threshold yet, and he is legit shook he that might fail the class. We've been studying together on zoom, but I better take control tonight so I can help him out. Plus it's on scheme, sql, and for some reason scheme is easier to understand than python.
  16. Yes lots, and slept like 11 hours yesterday at 7pm lol. Plus all the other people on molly brought water with them while on it. XD
  17. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I’m back in college after 10 years, got out of an 8 year relationship (I was ranting about it while high on molly), and trying to make up for my lost experiences.
  18. There is this scene in Mike and Dave need wedding dates where Anna Kendrick takes molly but can’t find the scene lol
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