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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. Well thats good you got something after all the trouble, that was good service. Sucks about that guy though, I hate running into random assholes.
  2. She kinda has to hold some responsibility for ignoring your order to begin with though. Glad you got it hot piping fresh
  3. Get me an egg mcmuffin and some fries
  4. Welp at least you got cardio done right? Good for the heart.
  5. I just watched the bee episode last night! Creepy as hell, kinda happy I'm not on facebook right now. The social credit thing is just getting out of hand, glad people are so insane about freedom here. I'm guessing the title black mirror has too with the darkest reflection of society. After all technology was made by humans, everything we hate about it, are things we hate that we created.
  6. I'd like to think my face is therapy for people after watching a full Alex Jones vid.
  7. Looks like my area just missed the mark, but geez that is scary.
  8. Well you use less water so you are saving the environment.
  9. How tall is you? I haven't gotten to use a tub in like 2 in half years. Standing shower.
  10. I'm also hungry today after eating one taco, why did I think that was suffiecent! Now I gotta wait two hours to go in the kitchen.
  11. Well there are fun apps like duolingo
  12. I understood it just fine.
  13. I'm also taking a spanish class right to so it's still fresh in my mind.
  14. Eh he gonna do, what he do.
  15. No I took a shower with my laptop open Imma sorry. Hola
  16. They should have a section that tells you which shows are free. I love psych on there. I also take advantage of free 2 shipping when available.
  17. I went to the taqueria and ordered a chicken taco
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