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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. I'm also wondering how long, that sucks hard.
  2. Idk, I guess I'm a hard person to understand. It's one of those things I gotta wait out. And I just gotta focus on my goals for now.
  3. I just had one today, eeehhhh
  4. I'm already thinking of things to say if they ask questions, I can be very confrontational and trying not too. I was purposely speaking loudly yesterday saying "Escucho todo cosas" and "las paredes son delgadas" Which is I can hear everything and the walls are thin.
  5. Fo real, mercury always being a moody ruining people's plan. lol
  6. Half, and being born a race doesn't really mean you automatically know the language. In fact my mother doesn't even know spanish, my grandmother had to learn in school, honestly I think we have more Native American blood than the spaniard side of it. lol
  7. Who can be the most akward in a social situation.
  8. Yes feed us your rage. I"m upset I can eat edibles because my doctor said I had to be off of it for a month. GGrrrrr
  9. Dayum, that sucks of all places it could have landed. I guess the crack gives your phone character. >___>
  10. I don't know if I will have a relationship with her in the future, but Eldy loves her. So he probably will visit them occasionally which is fine, I'll just play video games during those times. lol
  11. This is a pretty solid argument right here alone. It's good that you are thinking of the environment too. Well it's good that there is at least Cattex to market to the community. I also just looked up a video of what necking was. >_>
  12. How did you drop it?
  13. Oh so you like taking risks huh? It's not that bad, I got mine off of amazon. lol
  14. I think the language barrier plays a huge roll into it. Things were ok in the beginning, I even helped sew her outdoor cushions that were torn apart. Another major factor is she loves spoiling her kids, and I think she thinks I don't do enough for him. At one point she even told me "Mi hijo es tu Rey". I'm too feministic for this, poor eldy, I refuse to be his perfect housewife. I'm honestly not that amazing person to date, I act more like a dude than a lady.
  15. How?
  16. In a capitalist society, you would think people would have exploited this by now. I hope people get smart and start marketing to the community. Also why people gotta ruin someone else's good time. idk
  17. No, I have severe insomnia and have asked them not to bang pots at 8am, and clearly they are pissed about this. I'm the worlds worst daughter in law, don't you know? Even though I convince eldy to get full time jobs, and help him get jobs that earn more money, I'm too loca as well know. Our plan is to move out in a year, but it's been reaaal hard right constantly hear her gossip.
  18. Welp next phone you can always buy those glass shields, I have one now.
  19. Eavesdropping on my in laws talking how bothersome and terrible I am. Oh and I can't take any cannabis for a month because my psychiatrist wants to recommend a new drug but I have to prove I am not a drug abuser before prescribing it. Not that the in laws knew, but it sucks I can't numb myself from this. I guess it's just that kind of day.
  20. Whats going on that is bringing the heavy depression?
  21. Yeah I agree it's a lot of cash, but there isn't much productiveness worrying too much about it
  22. I wonder how one would market to looners andd things like that.
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