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Wandering Weeb
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Everything posted by jackiemarie90

  1. I'm half white, and I love spicy chipotle mayo, no joke. lol But fo realz a lot of mexicans use mayo in tortas anyway.
  2. Have you seen how many murder suicides have been in the news lately? It's a good reason not to date someone on looks alone, and pay attention to their personality.
  3. funding the NRA
  4. OoooOOooo Intrigue! Again thanks for reminding me about this anime.
  5. I did watch the beginning of monster a couple of years ago but never finished it. Actually, this is good cause now you help me remember that I can finish on spring break. I remember the boy had like a split personality right?
  6. Fo sho an interesting character. He tries to find their hopes, and desires and uses it too his advantages. He is a true chaotic neutral, while mostly serving himself in the end, Idk, not an avid book reader though, this is what I gathered from the show. But you can't deny that Lord Baelish knows what is going on through peoples heads, and knows what to find to change a person's mind.
  7. Yeah, I did understand that angle too. So far, he has been more receptive than the last one so I am trying his method. The doubled my Wellbutrin medicine which I don't mind because it is an energy increaser, but we will just see how it plays it. I should probably actually talk about the character with him next time.
  8. I fucking knew it! But fo realz, like a psychiatrist liking a master manipulator character on Game of thrones got me suspious AF
  9. Well take care, definitely get some rest. Sleeeeeep Is gooooooooddd.
  10. Some therapists may help so things aren't bothersome as much. But it's something you shouldn't do if you aren't comfortable. I do get weary of friends who drink too much to help numb problems as it can be harmful to kidneys. But this can also appear to preachy.
  11. I'm hoping people don't take these vines too seriously, this whole purpose is to make people laugh but they think I'm trying to say something about them with it. The internet isn't the best communicative place. lol
  12. What you frustrated at?
  13. Well they did double my dosage after I stopped medication so that is always a possibility, but I thought we were talking about you?
  14. If it's out of control you can always see a doctor too.
  15. Did I? I got confusion, I thought naraku360 was you! Imma sorry.
  16. This one is top quality vine
  17. The point with vines are, there is no point, much like technology it is merely a reflection of society. Use it as you wish.
  18. Like this beautiful couple right here.
  19. What the, that's pretty mean to put so much pressure on a single post, here is ya option
  20. Everyone has a hobby, yours just involves latex. Hopefully the inspector understands that.
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