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Everything posted by brian_boru

  1. So, is his health problem being an alcoholic?
  2. They floated down.
  3. Is that why he gets so confused when no one falls for his bullshit?
  4. I am thinking about how tired I am and also how excited I am for the 22nd.
  5. No.
  6. 5 guys do that to me too.
  7. What are you confused about?
  8. I love weird claymation.
  9. Well, it just came out for ps4 so who knows how it plays.
  10. Robot fisticuffs.
  11. Gif relevant to recent update.
  12. For the past week I have been thinking about a certain kickstarter I backed that should be shipping to me soon.
  13. At no point was naruto used by millions of people to flavor everything from baked good to meat.
  14. Because there are several different types of pumpkin spice that use different spices?
  15. I am fancy as fuck.
  16. Always a bridesmaid, never the bride, eh helps.
  17. Yes, I still would.
  18. I hate people.
  19. It is a classic spice blend that was very popular in the 1700s. It is cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, ginger, clove, and mace. It was pretty much used in and on everything but it has mainly been used in pumpkin pie in the last 100 years or so.
  20. Wait, do people think pumpkin spice has pumpkin in it?
  21. Wut?
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