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Everything posted by scope

  1. 2pac
  2. Raising Hope
  3. scope

    270 members

    Apparently only about a tenth of them are active.
  4. Yeah especially with fighters I think...they get that punch drunk love syndrome.
  5. Well yeah.....I think.....like how anime characters take classes but never get taught anything....and a girl didn't talk to him that one time.
  6. He was already like 35 during the GameCube vs PS2 era...he went to high school during the Atari vs Commodore 64 era.
  7. So I should buy one for a game that debuted the previous generation? No thanks...
  8. Judging by your morbid fascination with him, I expect you will follow in his footsteps soon.
  9. scope


  10. #ifigrewupandfoundoutmymomdiscussedmebynameonasitelikethisidnevercallheragain
  11. scope

    No comment

  12. Feel like I've seen this same exact thread dozens of times.
  13. scope


    "Music" you have to remove your ears to enjoy.
  14. Hold on let me see if I have enough for an entrance fee....
  15. I'd be interested but can't speak for everyone else, just filled out the ESPN one.
  16. Texas? More like sexless, amirite?
  17. I love it when she holds her cans.
  18. That was mostly because Brad Stevens is a really good coach, just look what he's done with the Celtics....it was obvious they were out-manned in their championship appearances which led to them playing very defensively and conservative, they were boring games....in comparison, last year's final game was much more entertaining.
  19. Wouldn't be surprised if Villanova repeats.
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