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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. this sounds like a great job tbh
  2. as long as it seems fun, that sounds pretty good. i have an interview tomorrow, and am more nervous about the 30 min drive there that'll make me nervous more than the interview itself i guess.
  3. sounds like a plan. just let me go to a highly accredited university first, get 50k in debt before my 20's, and spend the better part of my early 20's interning for some asshole company. ill meet you there when im 25, balding, and have early onset ED
  4. im watching a 16 and pregnant marathon cause there's nothing on and i can't sleep. im kinda having nostalgia from when i used to watch it like 4-5 years ago. i never really thought about it when it was like premiering, but it's kinda depressing.
  5. i'd prob end up gouging my eyes out if i had to watch one piece for 8 hours
  6. my uncle works as a delivery driver and makes bank
  7. ive always wondered about this and if it was because the cost of dubbing a show is higher than any profit the licensor could make but then stuff like the monogatari series goes without a dub even though im positive it'd sell well. a big reason too i guess is aniplex licensing it. but yeah, idk if this still applies, but if aniplex or sentai license a show, unless it's notably popular, it won't get a dub. afaik righstuf doesn't really dub shows i think, sunrise probably just got them as a distributor.
  8. you have a lot of people rooting for you, hope you get well
  9. maybe, but i don't think i'd do it if it meant watching bad shows all day tbh
  10. vampire hours= best hours
  11. on the bright side im gonna get some more excercise there from what i hear life is all about those otter-mode gains, you have to get them when they're available
  12. im thinking of dipping well before that rofl tho, i did think about applying there when they were hiring the seasonal people. like october-december. but i read you had to go to some orientation and idk why but i really didn't feel like doing that.
  13. ahh i dont mind working all night tbh, it's comfy in some ways + i read you sometimes get bonuses or something im in uni so this seems like the perfect job kinda.
  14. i think the only one of those i'd be able to quit is smoking
  15. you've worked there? i got some pretty fucked hours and shifts at my old job, so id probably get used to it
  16. gonna bring in that :420: :420: :420: :420: inb4 don't get hired inb4 too strong to work at ups
  17. she's gonna learn today
  18. u down 4some disappointment b4, during '& after?
  19. this seems kinda hard to answer, go to gay bars maybe? how am i supposed get a qt 3.14 gf though?
  20. i cant in good conscience hit on someone with a god of war avatar
  21. dont be so hard on urself, you can be as gay as you want here
  22. im curious cause it seems like there's always people online
  23. didn't know you were into futa but why?
  24. quebecelegy


    u want me to send my nudes 2 putin?
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