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Everything posted by quebecelegy

  1. i used to but once i started excercising more i can't im too hungry often.
  2. i go into every day feeling great then i wake up
  3. no, i agree with all of them
  4. jack in the box used to have those 20 piece ones, i used to eat about 15 or all of them. not my proudest moment
  5. you could try to get a referral from a regular doc for an imagining center in the mean time. that's what i did for my chest pains and it wasn't expensive
  6. why does the kkk hate him?
  7. temp agency? indeed's atleast better than monster though, monster's search thing is awful
  8. chokers=green light
  9. maybe bill murray, or winona ryder but i dont really want to meet any celebs aside from musicians. maybe kevin shields to learn about how he came up with his melodies, but even then id think his music would lose some charm so idk billy corgan cause im really interested in his life in general that's probably it. cm punk and shawn michaels too.
  10. sounds like a good life O0
  11. finished about two hours of school work and played some dark souls was gonna work out, but i remebered it's my off day im getting ready for school rn
  12. i misjudged the beach boys
  13. not me, but pretty much all my family + family friends over 30 got fucked up by the teachers more than a couple of times. he'd throw pencils, rulers, those things you erase the blackboard with at them, and hit them with rulers. their parents would give them the ok sometimes too. and when you got home there was another ass whooping waiting. i hated school, but still cared a little about making my parents happy, so i would try sometimes to get good grades. they wouldn't beat me if i didn't though.
  14. idk this is the oldest song i know
  15. that little riff in the beginning i can't get out of my head that's some borderline dreampop-y stuff and that came out in the 60's right? i'd say it's ahead of it's time, but idk how to describe it like obviously sounding old-ish but still really new and as good today as it was when it came out.
  16. probably robin williams for me cause i hadn't heard about him since i was a kid watching his movies and didn't even know he had depression
  17. i don't know what an iq test looks like, but i remember taking another random test in middle school and the teachers calling my parents and telling them i should be in an honors program i was like fuck that, im barely getting by i had a huge crush on my kindergarten teacher tho, so if it was because of a recommendation like you said, that's now revived <3
  18. my add didn't really kick in until high school, i just gave up and cheated my way through it one of the things i didn't have to cheat at though was english, so i have that to pat myself on the back for.
  19. i don't really remember the first one i took i started being in them in 1st, but i doubt i took a test in kindergarten for it lol, i dunno what the criteria for getting into them were, cause im pretty dumb so i doubt it was my grades.
  20. that's weird, my classes were a mix of 50% really smart kids, 35% awful, rude ones and 15 percenters like me that were just average/ didn't care enough about school. what's funny now that i think about it is that in every one of my grades i was around kids a lot smarter than me, until 4th grade where i even won one of those trophies for getting the highest score on one of the end of the school year tests. the next year i was back to being dumb
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