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Everything posted by DBAss

  1. One youtuber I watch was mentioning a theory either he had or was just going around is maybe this is just a hundred or two years in the future and the cycle is repeating itself, like how the architect of the matrix mentioned in the second one, and this could be a different version of Neo, since The One is someone that's always reborn each cycle. I don't think they're gonna go that route since Morpheus and Trinity were shown. Though if they do then one possibility is that the Neo we had in the movies changed because of the events of movies, and his experiences are bleeding over into the next version of The One. Maybe Trinity and Morpheus aren't actually there at all, and they're just something akin to illusions or hallucinations Neo is having, perhaps as a side effect to taking the blue pills. That could be the case but I don't think they'll full on go that route. I'm pretty sure they'll just go the route of after Neo died to Smith and the machines were shown dragging away his body if they decide to fix it up and plug it back into the matrix. They are able to grow humans, so they probably could repair the damage done to his body, like being blinded by Smith. Perhaps with how powerful he is inside the matrix maybe they wanted to control and use him, but maybe that's not possible so instead they go through all those means to keep him out of the way. With the medication, therapy, and so on
  2. Just thought of something that would definitely make for some interesting mind fuckery. Originally during the development of the first movie they wanted to have it where humans were being used as essentially cpus, where their brains were to be part of a powerful network; or something along those lines, but they were told to simplify it since late 90's - early 00's people wouldn't be able to really understand that stuff, so they changed it to the machines used them like a battery (which is stupid as all hell). One thing I actually do think they might go the route of, especially if they do decide to make it a thing where the "real world" is just another layer of the matrix, is if they were to make it a case where quite literally everything they knew was a lie. The matrix, the "real world" even the history they thought they knew about the machine war that led to the downfall and enslavement of the human race, if all of it were a lie. If they go full simulation theory and have it where the true real world is just a normal, highly advanced human civilization, and they created everything that was shown and seen in the series. If they created a world to simulate if machines took over and enslaved the race.
  3. Realistically speaking, I expect this movie to ruffle some feathers and probably not be that good. The Wachowskis hit a grand slam with the first movie, but pretty much all of their work since then have been either bunts or full on strikes. I can still watch and enjoy the Matrix sequels, but they're nowhere near as good as the first. I'll still watch this one to see what they do, but John Wick 4 will definitely be the superior one of the two coming up Keanu movies. My theories as to what happened is Neo was obviously plugged back into the Matrix before he died, since at the end of the last movie it shows the machines moving his body off screen. Either they do something that saves his body, or they just upload his mind to the matrix and his real body is still dead. He could possibly be a clone of Neo, since the machines do grow humans already. There will likely be something they're wanting or expecting of him, since I doubt they did that out of the kindness of their cold, mechanical heart. That or maybe his mind was just stuck inside the Matrix after his fight with Smith and how the matrix was rebooted after the fight. In the trailer he's shown being prescribed blue pills, so I feel like maybe he remained in the matrix after his body died, and for some reason the machines don't want to (or maybe they can't for some reason) kill him, so they try to avoid him "reawakening" in a sense. Trinity straight up died, so unless the machines took her body and were able to plug her back in to save her, that's most likely just a fake Trinity that was made (likely gonna be a villain character, maybe they'll show us a woman Agent that was modeled after her). They're probably trying to go the route of giving Neo a perfect life, but in the lore of the series, with how the first version of the matrix was a perfect weird, nobody could accept it as reality. I do think it's out of place for them to have their new Morpheus looking the same as he did (unless the scene in the trailer shown was them making something that's supposed to take place in the past), which makes me think it's some kind of trick. One thing they probably could do is say Morpheus died in the years after the last film. They cast the guy Yahya Abdul-Mateen II to play Morpheus, so I feel like he'll be someone else, likely a human that's trying to get Neo to reawaken, them taking on the form of someone that was incredibly influential over him. Or they could just go the route and validate the fan theory that the "real world" wasn't real, and was just an added layer to the Matrix to deceive the humans that rejected the matrix.
  4. I've watched videos on that, and the possibility for non-carbon based life has been ruled out. One of the arguments for silicon based life is that silicon is incredibly flexible, just like carbon, having tons of possible shapes and forms, but through scientific process they ruled that it'd be completely impossible for living creatures to be composed of silicon, since it lacks in what carbon is capable of. I've seen articles and videos that debated that any advanced, alien sentient life we were to come across might resemble us to some degree. Biologically speaking the human form (bipedal, two arms, two legs, thumbs, etc.) is considered the most optimal, and that if there were an intelligent alien civilization out there, their evolution could likely have taken a similar path.
  5. I believe in Buddhism, where there's 6 (some sects believe in only 5) possible planes of existence; three that are good, and three that are bad. Ones karma determining where they end up. One plane is coming back as an animal, which is considered bad since you're incapable of achieving nirvana as an animal. There is one that involves ghosts. A version of hell called naraka is one of the three bad planes.
  6. There was a guy I worked with for awhile that also worked as a custodian for the hospital in my city (that hospital paid shit, him working part time with us because of it) and he used to tell a bunch of stories about things that went on at that hospital after dark.
  7. He described the whole encounter better than I can recall. With my encounter, I moved into my house around April of last year, and for the first 6-8 months or so I experienced the usual things, such as doors I thought I closed being open (I live alone. Also it was always the same door, that being one that leads down to my basement). I also used to hear random pounding sounds around the house. I remember a few times when I was sitting in my computer room, my desk being to the left of the doorway of that room, and in front of that door is a hallway, I used to hear what genuinely sounded like someone walking down it toward my direction. I would even get up and walk around my house to make sure no one was in there but me, and check and see if my doors were locked. Then there was one time last year that my boss called me around 7:30am (I work evenings) wanting me to come in and watch a video on Asbestos (all new hires had to watch it in their first year). It was around 9:30 when that was over and I went back home and went to sleep, hoping to get another hour or so of sleep. While I was asleep I kept hearing talking going on around me, I remember opening my eyes a couple of times to see if someone was in the room with me (again, I live alone). The next time I opened my eyes (I was half-asleep but was seeing pretty clearly) that there was a skinny old man beside my bed looking down at me, him looking like he was in his 70's or so, wearing some kind of patriotic hat, couldn't recall what the hat looked like. But as soon as I woke up and got out of bed I went and looked it up, I had a letter in one of my kitchen drawers with a mans name on it (won't say the name, but the initials were W. S. W), I went and looked it up online and sure enough in my state (IL) there was an obituary for them, with the same spelling (his name being spelled differently than the name normally is) and the picture sure enough matched pretty close to what I saw, him wearing a Viet Nam hat in the obituary picture, him being born in I think 1939 or a couple years later (don't remember) and died in 2019. I moved in here April 2020. That said, after a certain point I think he just passed on, cause so far this current year I don't remember anything weird going on.
  8. I'm pretty sure there are ghosts. I've definitely had some experiences in my house after I moved in here over a year ago, also there's a story a guy I worked with told me about how he legit saw what looked like his brother (or in-law, don't remember which) in one of the hallways at work, this being at night with no one around. He then found out that he died, and when he went to the funeral one of the pictures there was exactly as he appeared when he saw him that other night. Also I'm a firm believer in Buddhism, and ghosts do exist in it.
  9. DBAss

    Console tier list

    I guess if were to do it legit PS2 is definitely god tier. I did love my 360, and got it around a year before my ps3, and still played it more for a good chunk after before my ps3 became my favorite and more played of the two. I did love my Gamecube, I remember getting it back in Christmas 2003. The PS1 was also the absolute shit. I know I had an SNES but I barely remember it. I do remember getting Super Mario World for it which was the shit. The Wii I liked back when I got it, which was either 8th grade or 9th. I played a ton of it back then, but at a certain point I think I just went back to playing my ps2 until I got my 360. As for the PS4, honestly aside from Persona 5 / Persona 5 Royal I don't give much of af about the console. I got the 3ds and original ds mixed up there I think. I'd place the original above it cause I played it a whole lot more, especially with a bunch of my friends back in 8th grade and 9th grade. Every lunch I'd play games with my friends. The 3DS I had buyers remorse since the first game I got was a shitty Kingdom Hearts one that I did not like at all. I then got Fire Emblem Awakening which was significantly better, and I put well over a hundred hours into playing it multiple times. Like at least 4 or 5 playthroughs. Didn't care about any other game though. Pkmn XY I finished but didn't really like. I liked ORAS but didn't finish it. As for Switch, I can take it or leave it. Three Houses is legit the only game that I like on the Switch, and have easily put in well over a hundred hours into.
  10. DBAss

    Console tier list

    What do I win?
  11. Ones with the most exposure in US would obviously be ones like DBZ, Pokemon, and OG Naruto. Also the original Yu-gi-oh. Then there's the hipster ones like Cowboy Bebop. Aside from those, don't really know. I don't really keep up with a lot of the new anime that comes out, and typically only watch no more than a couple new series a year at most. Haven't watched Demon Slayer, but MHA is definitely pretty mainstream. I don't think it has the exposure the ones mentioned above had, since I don't think the average American is likely to have heard of MHA compared to others, but I'd say in the teen to 30's range is aware of it to some capacity.
  12. When I was in like 1st grade, about 6yo I guess, I remember one time there was some simple quiz, where it was list the four seasons, and I had no clue what that meant since I was 6 and I don't think it was explained properly to me. I remember looking across the classroom for a hint and just wrote down a guess, and got all of them wrong. When I got home I had to deal with my step-dad screaming in my face calling me a retard. I had to deal with that a lot as a kid. I know I did have ADD back then, and there was one time I was given a test but I was full on daydreaming that it wasn't until after the test was over that I looked down and realized I was given one. I got a zero on that and he screamed his ass off at me, and gave me the phone and told me to call up my grandparents and tell them I got a zero on it (which was pretty random to just do) though he did stop me before I called them up, they hated him completely back then, so he likely figured having me call them up because he told me to wouldn't look good on him at all. I remember back in 4th grade (I'd say when my ADD was at its worst) my grades were shit, and I just started throwing them away because telling him about it would result in him screaming at me and yelling at me, but not lifting a single fucking finger to help me. Hell, even by the time I was a HS freshman I remember trying to do my work at the table and I had issues with it (I hate math) and he was yelling at my mom to let me fail then and repeat a year. I had to repeat 4th grade back then, so naturally that meant I was one year older than I should be in high school, and that's something he obsessed over. He'd get pissy and be like "19 years old and still in high school" when I was a senior, like no shit that happens. You repeat just one year and that can happen. It'd be one thing if I was 20 or 21 and still in HS.
  13. Don't tell them that, you'll shatter the illusion.
  14. I've known about Kari for a long time and have been a fan of her. Doesn't change the fact that with the way the mindset of the general public is, Rick and Morty is what was needed to get her the recognition she deserves
  15. That reminds me of back when Disney handled Ghibli movies, how you'd have big name actors be part of the cast. Like with Howl's Moving Castle where you had Christian Bale as Howl. Supposedly with that one though Bale was the one that pursued it because he was a fan of Spirited Away and wanted to work on a film made by them. I remember rewatching HMC a while ago and thought Bale's voice felt out of place for the kind of character Howl was. Even aside from just anime stuff, with that CGI Scooby Doo movie they released recently that was really bad, they replaced long time Scooby Doo VAs for better known celebrities.
  16. I remember back when the one voice actor strike fiasco was going on, it seems like a lot of people have hate boners for voice actors, and talk shit about how it's not a real job. Being like, they expect to get paid *insert however much* just for talking? lol. I've seen some people respond with things like just wait until AI voice improves to the point where all of these people will be out of work. I even seen some guy go on a rant / borderline meltdown spewing his hate for voice actors, talking about how when he plays his games he just turns off the voice volume, turns on subtitles, then blasts his music and doesn't give af. Anime may be on the rise in popularity because it's now considered the cool thing in some crowds. Though I don't really consider those people true fans of it, them only going for the ultra mainstream ones, and are the types where if it was decided it's not cool anymore would drop it immediately. Realistically I consider Alan Tudyk to probably be one of the most popular American voice actors, since he's a much bigger celebrity, having been in many popular and successful films. I loved him greatly in SW Rogue One, and I do like his take as voicing the Joker in the Harley Quinn series.
  17. I wouldn't quite write off anime VA's like that. That does remind me though of Vic's legal issues, where part of the argument against him is that he's a celebrity, and I did find it amusing that even Vic had to argue against that, trying to explain that he isn't a celebrity. They tried making it out that because he's a big time anime VA that's been doing it for 20 years he's a big shot celebrity with a lot of influence, him trying to explain that the industry he's in is viewed as a niche community, where he doesn't have that kind of status or influence the others make him out to have. Realistically, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey are probably the most popular and known about voice actors that are purely VA's and don't do any live roles. Kari Wahlgren also seems to be rising a lot, I feel like mostly because of Rick & Morty. In America it does seem like you'll gain far more recognition for voicing cartoon characters over anime ones. Even with huge series like AoT and SAO I don't think the majority of the VA's in those ones have much recognition outside of the anime community.
  18. It is a real shame what happened with IT. I really did like the show, but it really did feel like each season after the first was a step down in quality. I thought the first season with Tulip was great, 2nd season with mirror Tulip was alright but not as good as the first. Third season was a bigger step down in quality, and the season 4 just felt like it happened. It wasn't bad, and did like them building on the lore of the series, but it was still meh. I still would have liked for them to be able to properly end the series.
  19. Doesn't help that when it comes to anime voice overs, even if you're the MC of an anime's voice on average you'll only get around 4 hours in the booth, and apparently with a lot of non-union work you'll only get paid for time spent in the booth. It is possible that maybe things changed since many people are recording their lines from home cause the rona vs putting in time in a booth. Though might have gotten worse in terms of pay because the fact that they're doing it from home. It seems like the American anime industry the only way you can make it as a full time VA and not be part of the production staff is either go to conventions like every other week, or just throw yourself into the fire and be constantly taking on more roles. Michelle Ruff is (or was) a full time VA I remember, where for a good stretch it seemed like she was involved in almost everything coming to the west, even if just a minor one-off role. I think Vic Mignogna was a cop for a good while before he started doing anime and conventions full time.
  20. I just want to see Megas XLR be continued. Though with the whole rights issue it'd probably have to be a "spiritual successor" if anything, but if he can bring back that show I'd be down. Maybe even a continuation of the 2011 Thundercats.
  21. Because it's easy to make. Give me the ability to draw and a couple of weeks off work to focus on making one, and I could crank out one with a decent enough story for some people to get behind.
  22. Just because isekai anime is a dime a dozen and probably the easiest premise to make for an anime, doesn't make it the hottest genre in existence, unless you're being sarcastic. It's just like with shows like AoT and SAO. A major hit comes out which leads to dozens of other folks making something in a similar scenario to cash in on the big thing.
  23. I feel like Covid is having results of higher demands for a lot of people in various industries to unionize, or at least demand better work conditions and compensation. The covid has definitely made a lot of people super billionaires. Bezos for example saw his net worth go up by around 80 billion or so after the corona. Companies like walmart and other ones also saw explosive stock increases. Even outside of those industries it does seem like across the board people are starting to make more demands of their employers. The anime industry has also seen an explosion of profit due to people watching it more and subscribing to services for it since more of them are stuck at home now. I see anime VAs demanding better compensation because of that, and especially since conventions aren't a reliable gig right now. I know for the longest time if you wanted to be a full time anime VA, you had to keep yourself busy and always seek out work. I think that was the case for ones like Johnny Yong Bosch and Michelle Ruff, they were full time anime voice actors, and would take on tons of roles to make that money.
  24. It's because Funi is non-/anti- union. Joining the voice actors union does go a long way. Problem with that though is I think almost all anime dubbing in the US is non-union work. Though I think that's not the case everywhere cause I have seen Aniplex dubs that do use big names like Troy or Laura. I know VAs are allowed to reprise characters they've done in the past, even if the work isn't union (that being the case for Laura for the new FB series, though since she is the MC maybe they paid her union rates) In the American VA industry unless you do extra stuff like work as a director, or a script writer, or anything on the technical side, you're not gonna cut it as being just a voice actor. Apparently the way some make up for that is by being guests at a lot of conventions. I think during the Vic fiasco it was talked about how low VA's salaries are, them relying on conventions to supplement that, since they can easily make a couple thousands or so by appearing at a con.
  25. The dude has always been a bully. I have no feelings about the guy, but based on the way I've seen him respond to people online, like twitter or even that one ask questions site, the dude does act like a bully online. He definitely has a level of smug about him. That said if the dude could somehow get a continuation of Megas XLR then I'm good.
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