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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Scientific prologue fills me with joy. The ethical and spiritual implications of androids would raise a metric fuckton of moral and lawful questions regarding rights in our world if this were a thing.
  2. 2:30 AM on Sundays, my personal favorite part of the block. LET'S GO!
  3. I absolutely love that Discotek is tagging along with Toonami in an attempt to hype out the final ride for this series. Edit: Typos up the ass. I'm wasted AF boys.
  4. Oh. Makes sense then. "Kidnap" was not part of the vocabulary I learned during that class, and probably for a reason.
  5. I took Italian in college during my Freshman year, but the only word I understood was "come" or "coming." Not sure what the other words were, since my brain has a "use it or lose it" policy that makes me forget everything I don't use for a prolonged period of time.
  6. So...I did the cheap thing and read Wikipedia to find out what happened, and the gist of this episode was: WHAT. THE. HELL. I don't understand...
  7. So next episode, Lupin likely becomes more than just a thief, but a hero. I'm going to miss this series when it's finished. It has been a joyride.
  8. So I'm not the only one who's lost? Thank god.
  9. Flashback to the first episode!
  10. Wow. Dude's a dick. He wiped her memory entirely, and now Rebecca is just a vegetable.
  11. Nyx looks fucking crazy when he's mad. His eyes are about to pop out of his skull.
  12. So, this is all happening in the past, right? I'm too drunk to understand. Is this real life?
  13. Hopefully they retain the cast for the English voice dub of this series at least. I've grown attached to them.
  14. I'm too buzzed to remember at this point. That's the problem. I blame Bird Dog Whiskey for this one.
  15. This episode is reaching pretty serious levels of weirdness, even for me. Not sure if that was a flashback, or if it truly did happen.
  16. Lupin's mad. Leo is not an illusion. He just knocked everyone the fuck out with the power of sound. He's real.
  17. Oh shit, don't fight don't fight don't fight DON'T FIGHT! YOU'LL LOSE!
  18. Leo has mastered the art of sound manipulation. He just knocked people out with fucking audio frequencies. Yep, he's a bona fide villain. But why tho? What motivation is there for knocking out the people he just invited to his exhibition?
  19. I just danced to the fucking intro song. I don't know if I can keep this up guys. I'm pretty buzzed right now.
  20. Leonardo Da Vinci discovers how to take advantage of broadcasting in the country of Italy.
  21. Show's almost over. Makes me sayud.
  22. The episode's already over? Damn!
  23. Rapid gunfire isn't a good sign.
  24. I swear to god, this koala motherfucker had better be here for the long term.
  25. Bad shit's about to happen, methinks.
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