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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Spike's going to win this bet. Also, love the chaos that this is causing.
  2. Oh my god, it's him. He's fucked. Royally.
  3. Wow. Never mind, I remember now. The guy was a piece of shit. Handing all of his debts over to her. Coward.
  4. "If you hang int here, you might meet someone memorable..." Methinks she already has.
  5. It's "eating shit" and "flower abuse" night on Toonami.
  6. Desperate to know her past, but unable to find answers....
  7. I think I remember seeing this episode as a teenager. From what I can remember, it made me feel very sad.
  8. I'd flip if that happened. That series was MAGIC.
  9. Probably some old Adult Swim series that we've seen countless times since 2001. Like Cowboy Bebop.
  10. I just realized there are 9 episodes left.
  11. She's really smart. She knows he's a piece of shit.
  12. Neither is backhanding her. What a piece of shit.
  13. Yeah, hitting her with your bouquet is really gonna' convince her to join you. Fuckin' simp.
  14. Gene is fucking psychic, or either really damn clever.
  15. Mechanical panthers! Also McDougal Jr. here isn't welcome. Wish he'd get the fucking memo.
  16. I took a micro nap just in time for the commercial break to end. I just need to remain awake for 11 more minutes,
  17. Aaaayyyy, the entire crew is there! Minus Melfina. Uhhhhh....oh shit. Melfina's alone with one of the McDougal brothers. Bad news!
  18. Oh shit, Gene's pulled out a gun on him. In public. In a restaurant.
  19. I suppose it is. As for marriage....I don't think that's ever happening.
  20. If it weren't for the sunglasses, I would've been able to tell that he was Mr. McDougal. Alas, that was not the case here.
  21. Looks Greek enough, I guess.
  22. Also, if Helenism isn't a Greek restaurant, I'll lose my shit.
  23. Better go, guys. He knows you.
  24. The funny part of this is that they barely make enough to break even according to the previous episode. (HA!)
  25. This guy's a fucking creeper. Great aim though. Someone buy him a beer.
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