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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I wonder how many episodes Gohan's been going through this training.
  2. Oh yeah. We left off with a rather angry Gotenks.
  3. Guys are at the base of Kami's Lookout.....in the middle of nowhere...where people with only insane strength or flight powers are able to access. I'm pretty confident it's a boring fucking place to be at.
  4. Goku's gonna' be interrupting something special in just a moment.
  5. Korin can't go Super Saiyan.
  6. Poor Trunks is caught in the middle of all this and he just wants to know what the hell is going on.
  7. Ooooohhhh, so THAT is how they became smitten with each other...
  8. Pilaf is digging out of the bottom of the barrel at this point for money.
  9. Well, Gohan did train him.
  10. Did Trunks just use his sword like a boomerang?
  11. Sean has a pretty convincing evil laugh at least.
  12. Most likely to establish that Black is a dick.
  13. Alright, time to see Trunks go back to the present.
  14. Yes, I do believe that not all flying objects have been identified. Why do you ask?
  15. I just remember drinking whiskey sours, and waking up in my friend's heated patio by the pool with his cat by my side. So something must have happened. Too bad it will forever be a mystery to me.
  16. Too bad I don't remember it. But I know for a fact that it was an awesome night.
  17. It was a load of bullshit.
  18. I have to work at 11:00 AM and I'm really tired, so I won't be around for Outlaw Star. Later folks.
  19. Alright. They just need to get out of the area.
  20. How much do you want to bet that Rebecca will never be seen or mentioned again in a future series?
  21. Of course, it wouldn't be a finale without Zenigata entering the fray.
  22. It's "Dead People" night on Toonami.
  23. I'm glad I decided not to get wasted tonight, since I still don't understand just what fucking happened right now.
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