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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I believe so, yeah. .....But where's Dende?
  2. Well, that sacrifice was meaningless. He's just turning everyone into fucking generic chocolate bars.
  3. Lmfao, they're so desperate to get out that they're going to try it too.
  4. He screamed, and a fucking portal opened up. Extremely convenient.
  5. Krillin uses logic by bringing up the Dragon Balls, buuuut Bulma actually raises a strong point.
  6. Everything's so fucked up that even the sand turned green.
  7. I keep forgetting what previous episodes were about for this show. Then I laughed when I remembered: "Oh yeah. They locked themselves in the realm of nothingness for all eternity."
  8. Is it really Goku, though? He said "You Saiyans" to Trunk, which kind of implies that he likely isn't a Saiyan such as our Goku.
  9. She didn't get blown up by that energy blast. Pretty strong body.
  10. It's like Trunks forgets that they can always gather the Dragon Balls on Earth to go back to his own time...
  11. "It's not even dog food." > Cat pops out.
  12. I wish I could find ramen in that size...
  13. I remember Animal Crossing. I played it for one week and traded it for Metroid Prime with a friend who hated the latter. 'Twas a good deal.
  14. He likes lettuce? I expected him to hate it.
  15. Lol, if this is like the episode where they try to get their driver's licenses, this should be fun.
  16. Oh fuck. Now he's alone.
  17. He probably just only recently got rid of the Androids at this point too. Now there's yet another threat...
  18. Alright, time for an arc that may have more substance to it...
  19. I was a swimmer in high school, and two years in college. Maybe I'd stand a chance there. Nah, I wouldn't. I was almost always in second or third place. Not really something I can brag about.
  20. It's actually confirmed in other manga. In Amon: The Darkside of Devilman
  21. Black Mirror is definitely worth watching, as well as Stranger Things if you haven't seen it already.
  22. Along with eating shit and having bouquets thrown at them.
  23. Lmfao. I just can't get over the fact that he's gotten so....fat.
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