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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. So basically, Lupin is in a painting....inside of a painting?
  2. This episode is getting trippy.
  3. Don't look up. Or down. You'll fall. It happens every time!
  4. I wouldn't be smiling if a painting looked at me like that...
  5. I think I'm beginning to understand why this is the most loved arc in the series. Lots of shit is happening at once. We just lost one previously established character, and we may lose the other one too since he was knocked out. Things are going to be interesting.
  6. So, not only are Kite, Gon, and Killua getting involved, but the Hunters Association is being notified about the situation. There's going to be a serious fucking war in this arc. I CAN'T WAIT!
  7. His voice is like Yoda's but without the method of speech...
  8. Oh. Shit. Instant decap.
  9. Was Reina the name of the boy's sister after he was devoured and "converted?" Some part of him is still human, I think.
  10. Commercials already? Wow. That backstory for a dead character took a chunk of this episode's time, apparently.
  11. Chimera Ants have learned how to talk, have given each other names, and are now learning how to use guns. TAKE THAT humanity!
  12. In other words, Gyro isn't human. He's a Chimera Ant. Or maybe not. I don't know.
  13. This guy makes Gin look like a saint.
  14. There's no way someone with that few teeth could speak this clearly.
  15. When pronounced, they're extremely different, though.
  16. This is too real for me. I've seen one case like this at work.
  17. So, we've reached episode 80? Feels weird. It doesn't feel that long ago when we were still in the York New City arc...
  18. Oh yeah, "Avdol's" somewhere, waking up.
  19. I thought he used up his third wish already?
  20. What's the other half of her face like....?
  21. Yep, a bird just had its body torn apart. She's gonna' eat him if he gets too close.
  22. He wished her back, but she's in complete pain because the dead were never meant to be brought back to life.
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