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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Sounds like there could be conflicts within each squad. Things are getting interesting...
  2. NO, not a little girl! And I guess this chimera ant has feelings that oppose the instincts of his comrades. He's still somewhat "human," so to speak.
  3. Koala in a suit? Must mean serious business.
  4. "We accept it as nature taking its course." Except for the poor guy on the receiving on. That one be screaming.
  5. Guys, this arc is supposed to be the best in the entire series. I think I'm beginning to understand why. And to think, we have more than a year of this stuff. This is going to be magic, I swear to god.
  6. I wouldn't be allowed entry then. I have a fucking chrome crown for one of my back teeth, and it sticks out like a sore thumb.
  7. Curious to know how they're able to use desktop computers in a cave like that.
  8. There's even a reptilian centaur! Inebriated me just can't handle the awesomeness of it!
  9. The variety of chimera ants is fucking awesome. They can be ANYTHING!
  10. Geno's voice actor is so majestic.
  11. I love how Togashi reuses his characters.
  12. Fuck, I fell asleep during IBO and almost missed this!
  13. I love the mystery quality that this series has....it just adds up to the most fucked up elements of it.
  14. I just now realized that Dio hired a fucking baby to do a hit on these four. This baby is technically employed. Makes you think, doesn't it?
  15. Also, really curious what the hair color change is about. NEVER MIND, all of their hair is fucked up.
  16. So he can manipulate or prevent stands from being used as well. That's fucked, yo.
  17. Kakyoin was knocked unconscious, more than likely. If he's not in the dream, maybe that's because being knocked out technically isn't the same as being asleep, therefore no dreaming.
  18. This is fucking hilarious! Also, I love how everyone thinks he's crazy...even when they've been through all kinds of crazy shit through the entire series.
  19. "Crap baskets!" New favorite curse! Edit: "Insult?" The fuck is my problem tonight!
  20. This baby has a fucking attitude. But I guess it needs to in order to do what it does.
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