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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I don't quite understand what they believed that would accomplish...
  2. Did Vegeta just destroy the Hyperbolic Time Chamber?
  3. Oh yeah. The Containment Wave. Forgot about that.
  4. I forgot what happened last time. I guess they're going to train more before going back to Trunks' timeline?
  5. I guess Elfie was being serious.
  6. Playing catch up after passing out last weekend. Honestly....this world is just filled with assholes. Worse than Naruto's characters are capable of being. I mean, holy shit.
  7. Yeah, they do give us our final degrees. When I graduated at the same college five years ago, they gave me mine on the day of graduation. Unless that has changed, I should receive it then too. I don't know what happens to those who don't make the grades, though. Fortunately, I won't have to worry about that.
  8. It's a hard job, but maybe you'll get some good stuff out of it.
  9. I am getting my Bachelor's in Social Work, and I have to do so with crutches. I'm ready to get it over with. I'm only doing it so I can get the degree in my hands instead of waiting weeks to get it in the mail. Then the hunt for a new job begins.
  10. Am I the only one who is happy with this? It certainly feels that way.
  11. Yeah. I won't cry if another season doesn't come, but I'll also easily take a second season if they can find a reason to justify it.
  12. I loved the hell out of it. I hope there's another season. Aside from Eric Andre and Tim & Eric's stuff, I don't regularly tune in to AS's original content and this was a winner.
  13. I just remember the dude's vomit cake video making me gag nonstop. He earned the title "Filthy," alright...
  14. I'm actually going to hold off from spoiling myself.
  15. It was practically been built into many of our childhoods, which helped. Anime was very different from American cartoons. I grew up with Japanese animation at a very young age too. Voltron was probably the first anime I ever saw, albeit in an edited format. I wouldn't say I'm obsessed with anime to the point where it's all I think about, but to say I don't enjoy it and don't go out my way to watch Toonami every weekend would make me a liar.
  16. I've seen people in their 50's surf boarding, and they were pretty good at it. Age is a number, but passion doesn't need an age.
  17. There are manga/anime and comic book fans who think I'm weird for liking both superhero media and Japanese entertainment so I thought it was taboo to do so for the longest time. Not that this stopped me from reading comics and reading manga or watching anime. Fuck those guys. As for what the show has to offer, it has a very good hook by offering a LOVABLE protagonist (please take notes Pierrot), and one I can easily sympathize with. I'm sure getting his powers isn't the main plot of the series, and it's an excellent hook to keep people interested in the long term. That's why I'm going to continue watching it.
  18. FLCL was loud, but I actually need to turn up the volume on my TV for this. UGH.
  19. Time to see how Jotaro gets the gang out of this pickle.
  20. She's in the scene, but de-aged for the sake of retconning continuity.
  21. Annnd they leave us before he's able to answer that question. I'm hooked.
  22. Saved by his childhood hero...
  23. Now this kid even has to prove his fucking mother wrong. DAMN.
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