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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Keep in mind, in DBZ time, one minute = one entire episode.
  2. Lmfao. "You're not protecting my ego?"
  3. Lol, he's whistling. What a smart ass.
  4. Drinking for an hour before show time can do that to a man.
  5. Okay. NOW I am posting in the correct thread.
  6. Which is strange as fuck considering he single-handedly defeated Dabura in his own timeline with SS1. The same Dabura who gave SS2 Gohan a run for his money.
  7. Hopefully he actually does something next episode.
  8. Is Trunks about to gain a new form? Please say yes.
  9. Lesson learned: Never touch a fighting man's woman and child.
  10. I'm just saying, I've only heard of MHA with some comparing it to other anime. It sounds like MC gets his powers after trying to find his place in life among other people with powers. That's why I'm getting Black Clover vibes.
  11. So basically Black Clover with superheroes. Hope it's better than it sounds.
  12. Of course everyone needs to get their asses kicked for most of the show.
  13. I think I'm beginning to understand this. So Black WASN'T initially part of Trunks' timeline?
  14. A sign of having too much to drink is posting in the Kai thread during Super. FML.
  15. *Wrong Thread. Fuck.*
  16. Time to find out how this clusterfuck actually came to be.
  17. Shit. I feel fortunate. Mine is $480 a month. But then again, I live in West Virginia, where nobody can afford shit unless they know a trade or happen to be a doctor. Housing costs are rough.
  18. Gyaos


    Long story short, I wouldn't answer my phone during a really bad thunderstorm for 24 hours while I was working and people thought not answering phone = "JESUS, GYAOS MUST BE DEAD!" They wouldn't fucking stop nagging me after that shit.
  19. It's actually "old news" by now, because it was announced in late 2017 that the show was being canceled after Season 3's conclusion (which I watched BEFORE I knew this).
  20. Gyaos


    As a guy whose family thought he was dead once upon a time in 2017, I can attest to what everyone else is thinking. This shit isn't funny to a lot of people.
  21. The kicker is that they say my knee should be pretty much shot at this point. So if this surgery doesn't hold up over the years, I may need my knee cap to be replaced. Right now I'm just freaking out about what could go wrong. Oddly I'm calm during my job, but when I'm in deep shit, I panic like this. A lot. More than I'm proud to admit.
  22. I'm an EMT. I pick people up and carry them around. Naturally, if I have a bad knee, that's bad news bears. I would prefer to have a job at the end of the day. I'm going to be using vacation days for this crap, even though everyone in the office has been supportive so far. I've been sick TWICE this year. Once with the flu, and again with strep throat. I have no more sick days. But the pain in my knee is killing me. I need to get this done.
  23. The dumbest part is that this isn't even my first surgical procedure. I've needed a thyroid gland removed from my throat. My worry is that after this, I'll never be able to walk normally again. I know I shouldn't think that way, but I am a pessimist at heart when it comes to medical stuff....pertaining to myself, that is.
  24. My insurance will cover about 75% of it, but regardless, I've apparently been dealing with a small crack in my knee over the course of four years that has been worsening over time. It began back in 2014, when I was just out of college (for the first time). I felt slight pains in my right knee. Went to the doc and they did some x-rays. They need to fix it up now before it gets worse, or they may need to replace the entire thing. UGH. I don't want to be driven around. I'm about to graduate with a more useful degree in a month. I DON'T need this bullshit. I'm 27 years old, almost 28. I thought only older people went through this?
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