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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. They reanimated that scene to include "child Mai." Fuck.
  2. And Gohan is also out of the loop, and now probably feels like shit not understanding Trunks' predicament.
  3. I honestly empathize with her in this situation. She hasn't been told a fucking thing since this started.
  4. Lol, shit. They got caught.
  5. Lmao, Krillin GTFO of dodge understandably.
  6. These seem like pretty dire times.
  7. Beerus gets to eat fucking crow...
  8. Well, shit. They're going back...again.
  9. Gohan was his teacher, so it makes sense.
  10. Never mind. Last episode's teaser was extremely short lived.
  11. Trunks seems to be holding his own so far.
  12. I'm sober and posting in the correct thread this weekend.
  13. I don't feel so bad that the Bucks lost to the Celtics. They're dominating Philly in this series to the point where it is ridiculous.
  14. Back row, near the middle if I can get it.
  15. The state south east of Ohio is much worse, and I happen to live there. I'd rather be in Ohio.
  16. Yes. I'm more depressed than in pain, though.
  17. Yeah, and I'm on worker's comp. I just don't want a target on my fucking back.
  18. Probably loafing around the house with a fucking brace around my right knee, not wanting to do anything. I mean, there's Toonami but shit!
  19. My knee is swollen, my leg is resting on a pillow, and I'm not supposed to drink any kind of alcohol for three days. Also, my cat is showing great concern for me right now since I've practically been in bed for most of the day. I fucking hate this. They said "1-2 months" for recovery since it was only a partial replacement.
  20. Everyone will just blame it on me for comparing the promo for MHA to Black Clover when I was in a drunken stupor. In all actuality though, I think MHA will do great.
  21. I also posted in the Kai thread, thinking it was the thread for Super. Sober Gyaos doesn't do that. Only Trashed Gyaos makes those kinds of mistakes.
  22. Keep in mind I was drinking whiskey when I said that. Having seen the promo sober, I'm actually excited for MHA now.
  23. Oh shit. Next episode should be...meh. I'm going to bed. Night night,
  24. Also almost everyone in this anime is an asshole.
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