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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. Frog girl, I love you, but provoking Bakugou is not a smart thing to do.
  2. In a parked van that was a 1996 Ford model. Not sure which one it was. Either way, it was during Fall, on a dirt road. I lasted 7 minutes.
  3. The last time I had Taco Bell was in 2011. They still offered those Doritos taco shells. I liked those. But as far as I know they don't have those anymore, so I guess it doesn't matter. Edit: I looked it up and they still do. Never mind.
  4. This will flop in almost every market except for China.
  5. I only have one grandmother left, and she's in her 70's. The rest died when I was barely in grade school. I never really knew them. Sad to say, I can't relate yet, but it must be hard.
  6. They do take interns, but only if you have mad artistic ability and awareness of filmmaking etiquette and skills for the job. I had a friend who interned there. He said the application process was like a competition, more so than most places. But the environment is very laid back as far as how seriously things are taken, as long as you know what the fuck you are doing. Edit: I don't know why I'm replying to a month old thread, but fuck it.
  7. Perhaps. But I've made quite a few acquaintances here, more so than when I was on the AS boards that I feel this would be a better place to spend my time at.
  8. I think this was a great episode.
  9. And his newfound friend comes to save the day.
  10. And they're still alive even without heads connected to their bodies?
  11. LMFAO. "I could just kill you, ya' know?" And those brown disks in his eyes shows he'd have no problems with it.
  12. I doubt he's truly dead.
  13. Never mind. Running would be pointless.
  14. Killua, you need to start running.
  15. Lmfao, he's giving away his plan.
  16. I am not familiar with how this ends, but this feels like the penultimate foe before the gang fights Dio.
  17. I have a feeling that Polnareff is going to break this promise if it comes to pass.
  18. LMFAO, this "soul reading" thing is being done to comedic effect!
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