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Everything posted by Gyaos

  1. I remember that. Good catch.
  2. Wow. She's a backstabber.
  3. These parasites sound like such bad news, yet they have only appeared now?
  4. I want to believe that this is filler, but I am not quite sure.
  5. I've skipped the midnight timeslot every weekend after I saw episode 1, so I beg to differ.
  6. I fear that this man may be killed easily.
  7. I'm sorry, but I can't take anybody who wears a fake bush seriously.
  8. He doesn't have the heart to kill her.
  9. This guy is obsessed with his games.
  10. And her parents told her that? Jesus fuck.
  11. So she is not a stranger to very brutal wagers? Where the fuck did this kid grow up?
  12. Lmfao, she spent the entire night sleeping.
  13. The next two episodes are going to be badass, I hope.
  14. In Spanish, "Dio" means god. I can't imagine a more god-like ability than stopping time. Maybe creation, but a lot of stand users have done that already.
  15. Well shit, that plan didn't go as well as he'd hoped.
  16. I got distracted by Dumpster Fires but made it back just in time.
  17. I didn't know Youmu was a member of Team Rocket.
  18. I'm very curious to know how they'll get out of this mess.
  19. Midoriya's a hero, which is why he ran headfirst, after all. It's what heroes do. Same for Bakugo.
  20. That shadow has got to be the most annoying villain on this show yet.
  21. Lmfao, I wonder what he looks like without the hand covering his face?
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