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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Normal is a state of mind. The pesimist in me anyway says things will never be quite the same, as folks will be much more aware I think that even when we manage to get a vaccine and beat this thing back, that it's just gonna be a matter of time before it mutates or another virus comes along and we could be put through this all over again. Hopefully the government in the future will take a long look back at all the stuff that went wrong and put some serious effort towards getting hospitals better prepared and making sure when infectious disease control experts ring the alarm bells next time they're taken seriously and steps are taken to immediately contain any potential outbreak. The optimist in me on the other hand says that curve will bend down in a month or so, prompting some areas of the country to try and 'open up' again, leading to a second but less exacerbated wave of the virus. People will eventually adjust for the rest of the year to getting out and back to work in certain areas to a limited extent, but with certain precautions and safeguards, until a vaccine comes out early or around the middle of next year. After that, I expect stuff will resume for the most part as it did before, but without so much hand shaking or physical contact for quite a while.
  2. Never seen it, unless you count a trailer for it. Seemed like some type of murder conspiracy or mystery type show. Normally I'd be down for that, but I heard the anime was unfinished, so that's how come I shyed away from ever checking it out.
  3. Actually, if you think about it, we're never the same, even moment to moment. Anytime you eat, go to the bathroom, sweat, rub your skin, or even breathe, we're constantly cycling out particles of your body for new ones. "According to researchers, the body replaces itself with a largely new set of cells every seven years to 10 years, and some of our most important parts are revamped even more rapidly [sources: Stanford University, Northrup]." That's just on a physical level, too. Our minds are contantly absorbing information and integrating it into our personality as well. It's just the nature of being alive.
  4. So, I did this back a few years ago. It's been a while, so last time might have actually been on the old Adult Swim forum. Anyway, it worked out pretty well, so figured I'd give it another go. I've got quite a few shows in my backlog that I've had for like a decade or more that I somehow still haven't watched, so that's how come everything on the list below is fairly old. Voting will be open for one week. You can vote once a day, and vote each time to add a point to up to 5 different shows as well as subtract a point from up to 5 different ones. Top ten finishers will be the next series I'll have to watch. Bottom ten will be ineligible the next time I should do something like this again. Also, to help simplify things, at the end of each of the first four days I'm gonna randomly eliminate 5 titles that have yet to be voted for from the list, until there's 30 left. Edit: Voting is now over. Thanks to everyone who voted for participating and helping me out by offering your opinions The final results are... 1) 5 Durarara 2) 5 Phantom Requiem for the Phantom 3) 5 Soul Eater 4) 4 Shura no Toki 5) 4 Le Chelvalier D'Eon 6) 3 Ghost Stories 7) 3 Kamichu 8) 3 Skip Beat 9) 3 Spice and Wolf 10) 2 Nadia The Secret of Blue Water 11) 1 Toward the Terra 12) 1 Cat's Eye 13) 1 Dirty Pair 14) 1 Kodacha 15) 0 Miami Guns 16) 0 Kaze no Stigma 17) 0 Shakugan no Shana 18) -1 Jinki Extend 19) -1 Happy Lesson 20) -1 Sands of Destruction 21) -1 Kurogane Communication 22) -1 Space Adventure Cobra 23) -1 Macross 24) -1 Otogi Zoshi 25) -2 Battle Athletes 26) -2 You're Under Arrest 27) -2 Rideback 28) -2 Rumiko Takahashi Anthology 29) -2 Elemental Gelade 30) -3 Pumpkin Scissors
  5. Strawberry Marshmallow OVA 1 - 5 I kind of wonder what these girls would be like were they to do some type of grown up spin off version of the show. Most of them would probably be pretty normal 9 to 5ers I imagine, but Miu would probably wind up as a comedian or a professional wrestler I bet.
  6. Strawberry Marshmallow 10 - 12
  7. Strawberry Marshmallow 4 - 9 Miu's just a nightmare of a friend. Love her. Without her this show would be so boring.
  8. Okay, just one more, but I swear this is the last one. And appropriately/inappropriately? I've saved the lamest for last. Mississippi So why is Mississippi hard? 🤔 Cuz, duh, it's hard to spell! 🙄 I mean, seriously, who hasn't had trouble trying to figure out how to spell Mississippi before?
  9. Strawberry Marshmallow 1 - 3 Catchy OP. Everytime I hear it makes me want to get up and dance. Ah, but poor Ana. It's kind of funny though, but by judging a book by its cover, Nobue sort of wound up learning to never judge a book by its cover. 😄 Of course, hmm, that would mean by doing so she actually learned an important lesson. 😕 But if that's so, maybe sometimes then you should judge a book by its cover, in which case the lesson she learned was wrong, meaning it was a waste to do so after all, meaning ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh! 😵💥 Actually, now that I think it, I'm not really sure she figured it out and learned anything, but whatever. Fun show.
  10. Say what you will, but just like Tennessee... even if it gets Difficult and people berate me, I won't let it get me down and will fight to keep this thread going... till the Bitter End. Nah, just kidding. I'm done. I can't think of any more, so goodnight everybody!
  11. Louisiana would have jumped in too... but it got Cut Off. 😬😧
  12. Then Arizona joined in, and together... (you guessed it) they had a Three Way.
  13. And then we've got Georgia... which hit its Climax. Probably when it saw Iowa say
  14. How is it I've never seen that one still? There must be some type of imbalance in the universe. I'm gonna have to correct that.
  15. "Let us take care of you" by clogging your arteries and making you so full you won't have to worry about not being able to go out anymore because you won't be able to get your big fat butt off the couch. You're welcome!
  16. Then in North Carolina you got Shagtown's sister city, Horneytown 🤭 -- you can't make this stuff up people -- which is just a hop, skip and a jump from getting to (I apologize in advance) Erect. Oh, and if you're asking why... Whynot?
  17. I don't remember any particular station really keeping my attention more than any other. I can remember some of the shows I really liked though. Ones like Ghostbusters, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, Droids, Pirates of Dark Water, Exosquad, and Conan the Adventurer.
  18. I'm a fan, so... +? I'm not sure I'd want to marathon 9 seasons, but as long as you take your time, it's a great show.
  19. Then there's West Virginia, with its Superior Bottom, probably has an easy time making it to Shagtown.
  20. It didn't make me cry, but it did give me da feels. I've cried because of other movies involving pets though, so it's totally understandable.
  21. How about Michigan? I've heard it's hard as Hell there. Pure Hell.
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