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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Looks like Zoro's lack sense of direction is contagious. Quick Chopper develop a cure to give to yourself.
  2. Isn't it on Tubi? That's how I watched it. The dubbed episodes anyway.
  3. That was great. Too bad we didn't get the other Toriko episode part of the special, but one part is better than none.
  4. I miss Toriko. My favorite part of the show was the beginning where the narrator would list a bunch of insane foods like marshmallow pumpkins, pancake fruit, and probably my all time favorite... Waflotuses.
  5. Halo season 1 The budget for this show has got to be insane. Seems like kind of a short season at just nine episodes, but when you consider it's like 4 or 5 quality movies if you put em together... I mean, I've never played any of the games, but I can see why it's developed such a passionate following.
  6. The Lair 7/10 It's no Aliens, but still a lot better of a monster movie than I thought it would be. Violent Night 9/10 What happens when you cross Die Hard, Home Alone, and Miracle on 34th Street. Yeah, that wasn't a question, but rather a statement. Crazy, but crazy good, assuming you can deal with all the blood.
  7. Took me quite a while, but I finally finished all of Stargate SG-1 and its spinoff series Stargate Atlantis. I say finally, but considering there were a total of 15 seasons and two movies altogether, I actually burned through it all pretty quickly. Happens a lot easier I suppose when I really enjoy a show. Indeed... 😉 I'd say I'd put it right next to Deep Space Nine as my favorite TV series of all time. It was a bit goofy at times, but never boring. Then there was Ben Browder and Claudia Black coming on for a couple of seasons, which was frelling awesome, if you know what I mean. 😜 Also, just finished watching season 4 of Star Trek Discovery, which was pretty good. Didn't like it as much as season 3, but it was still impressive, especially considering they had to do the filming for it during the height of the pandemic. Maybe even more interesting than the show itself though I thought was one of the behind the scene extras showing how they used this relatively new AR technology to essentially create a real life holodeck of sorts for the actors to perform on in place of the typical green screen. They said one of the main reasons they opted to use it was because it's actually quite a bit cheaper than green screen, though I can't really understand how that can be given how complicated the setup for it all seems. It was pretty fascinating to see though.
  8. Boy that sucks. I need my One Piece fix. Okay, time for some candy.
  9. Luffy's actually planning something? Do I have the wrong channel on? Is the world about to end?
  10. Sanji will never forgive Law for this. Eh, Nami's gonna kill him, so I guess it doesn't matter.
  11. Eh, good enough. Anime logic not exactly airtight either, but who cares right?
  12. Looks like Ussop got a promotion to captain... Captain obvious that is.
  13. Hope somebody knows how to plug the hole, else it's gonna be a real short episode.
  14. LOL One can only dream. Given the previous track record of the show, I'm betting on absolute depression.
  15. Yeah, seemed like more of a mercy killing. Kinda surprised the turbinids would do something like that. Actually kind of thoughtful of it.
  16. How exactly did Majikaja and Maa survive going outside the village? Welp, guess it don't matter now in the former's case. Just fed himself to Faputa. LOL
  17. Guess there's just no such thing as forgiveness in the Abyss.
  18. Yeah, but I bet they all smell like crap after travelling as far as they have. Anyway, it's all about the feels. 😊
  19. Aw... I want a nice pink fluffy pillow like Maaa, too.
  20. LOL So Faputa didn't talk with them before when they first arrived cuz she was shy? "Shut up, Sosu!" 😄
  21. Time for a royal rumble in the underworld. Here we go!
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