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Everything posted by Dark_Cloud_Overhead

  1. Still feels weird he's only just now getting some of his super powers. Kind of makes things more interesting though, as in most versions don't really get to see him have to learn to control them at all.]
  2. That was just brutal to watch. Evil cliffhanger, too. Aggh! How are they gonna get out of getting knocked into the sea? Well, the one good thing about it I guess is the ocean water might dispel the pet pet devil fruit power.
  3. I'd pick Buggy. Just so I could split and get out of there.
  4. He's hitting Chopper?! Okay, bastard needs to die.
  5. LOL He's going just gaga over Chopper. Can't blame him though. I want snuggle him, too.
  6. Daicon bunny girl reference. That's an oldie. EB-0 guitar finally makes its appearance.
  7. She was totally gonna break his hand like a twig. Moz stopped her though.
  8. Magical girl transformation? LMAO And she looks nightmarish now. ROFL
  9. Making doo doo. Really? This just made me realize, we really need a poop emoji here. How come we don't have one? C'mon.
  10. They finally caught it and it's empty? What is Suika a magician now or something? LOL
  11. No getting him to say his name backwards? LOL And he's loose again. Being a prisoner didn't take. Hah. Dun dun dun. There's bad supermans, too. Not that that comes as much of a surprise really if you're much of a fan of the DC universe.
  12. Okay, what's Sir Myx a lot up to here? Really he's just stealing stuff? Why bother when he can snap his fingers and have whatever he wants? Wait, was that Dr. Fate's helmet back there?
  13. The Man from Toronto 8/10 (Kevin Hart and Woody Harrelson make a pretty comedic duo, gotta say.) Knights of the Zodiac 6/10 (Certainly not the worst movie adaptation of an anime I've seen, but still not all that impressive either. To be fair, only ever saw a handful of episodes of the anime and don't think I ever really cared that much for it. ) The Haunted Mansion 8/10 (I know it's been done before, but I still liked this version.) Meg 2: The Trench 9/10 (Nope, it's definitely not safe to go back into the water yet. Was it ever though?)
  14. That ability seems way too OP to not have some major drawback or weakness.
  15. Oh wow. This guy's such a total jerk. Luffy's gonna kick his ass so hard.
  16. How do you shatter air again? I've always wondered about that saying.
  17. "If that thing comes down here, you think they'll cancel school tomorrow?" That's what she's worried about? No, they won't actually, cuz you'll all be dead.
  18. She's like scared of the eyebrows. And really, who can blame her.
  19. Eyebrows. LOL It's the only thing anyone can think when they see him show up. They're like a magnet completely drawing in all your attention.
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