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Everything posted by pail

  1. pail


  2. pail

    Morning commute

    Change it to Y4MCH4D once it's a junker.
  3. pail

    Morning commute

    No I honestly have no idea what they were trying to convey.
  4. pail

    Morning commute

    LilGryn would be way more boss though.
  5. pail

    Morning commute

    No. The joke is that it has a retractable roof. Topless. Get it? But it also goes up and down, you see. I'm not surprised this went over your head, though.
  6. Personally, I think UP N D0WN would have been cheekier.
  7. Idk, one of the mods. I'm fine with it being here. Thanks, glad you like it. I'll be coming out with a proper release sometime in the next 50 years, so be on the lookout.
  8. Jesus Christ. Okay. So, one thing you might notice here is that all of these pairings, with the exception of 'The Tree of Life' clip, are synchronizing at the end of their respective vehicles. My belief is that these all seem to mold together pleasantly because, frankly, that is how they were crafted (one might even say... formatted...). These scenes were edited around the songs, but from a very different narrative position than a music video. While a music video has to, like a film, have a beginning, middle and end (generally speaking); the film or show is over at this point. This is a flourish, a crescendo, framed with much more focus and intent than could be accomplished with the formula/layout/structure/motif, whatever you want to call it, of a music video being created from scratch. Anyway, those are just my thoughts on interweaving music and film. I could elaborate further, but the setbacks in this endeavor have stretched my patience. I will end this post with a brief summation of my feelings regarding the provided clips. Fight Club - Great movie, great ending, great song. Extremely open ended, serene despite the juxtaposition between love and mayhem (maybe they have more in common than we think?). Donnie Darko - A good film. Doesn't hold the same place in my heart as it once did, largely due to much of the mystery and intrigue being patchworked by myself by pouring over related materials, behind the scenes information, and the hilariously awkward DVD commentary featuring the director and Jake G. The cover of Tears for Fears 'Mad World's is a solid effort by Mr. Gary Jules and it loosely relates to the chaotic nature of the screenplay and its themes. The Tree of Life - A personal favorite of mine. Not for everyone. Pretentious and tedious, it might be off putting to some. I find the "creation scene" to be hauntingly beautiful. The dynamic of the brilliantly orchestrated 'Lacrimosa' (Latin - Weeping) set to space porn helps elicit the feelings of awe, humbleness, wonder, and deep sadness. For as majestic and marvellous our universe may appear, it is a cold and unforgiving environment with no discernable ethics or morals: it just is, and it is as it is, and certainly not by our doing... Overwhelming. Moral Orel - I actually cried the first time I saw this. The rawness, the first person perspective, the veneer of appearances. Everything is great, we're a happy family, this is where we all want to be, we are truly living a dream. Or is it a nightmare? I hope not... Cowboy Bebop - One of the finest shows I stumbled upon in my early adolescence. Episode 5 was literally the first episode I ever saw. And this was one of my first experiences with anime. I was entranced and amazed. I knew I had found something special. FLCL - Furi Kuri! What can I say? Not an especially deep or thought-provoking show, but a whirlwind of mastery. From start to finish, it's nothing but a joy and a thrill. "I love you." "Eh! 0_o" *smooch* Hit it Yoshiaki! Ah yeah. That's the stuff right there man. And, that will conclude my mess of a post.
  9. Oh for fucks sake... Okay, I'm posting these one at a time. Fuck formatting my reply how I want, right? You shitty little black rectangle motherfu.... Ahhhhh...
  10. I honestly can't think of that many music videos that affect me on a deep or meaningful level... The only one I can think of off the top of my head is: And this...: Even you can even call it a 'music video'. The first one is kind of cheap and really grasping for those heartstrings. But it works, for the most part, because I think the vast majority of people can relate to that particular relationship (not particularly all of the dynamics of it) in some way. And Hendrix at Monterey is considered a pivotal moment in modern music history. It happened to be captured on film. Edit: Yes, there's an edit here. I had a whole other section lined up here... But posting from a phone can be tricky... flipping back and forth through apps. So I'm posting this now and I guess... sigh... Try to redo the next part. (I'm putting way too much effort into this)
  11. https://vocaroo.com/i/s1lU30bQXF6p# space_to_waste.mp3
  12. So... This was supposed to be a lot shorter... But that's what happens when you don't plan anything out and are horrible at improvising. I don't really address your question here, but I plan on a follow-up a little later tonight. Few hours or so... Consider this a preamble of sorts.
  13. It's definitely something that you have to have a passion for. And even many who do still get extremely frustrated by their shortcomings, perceived or not. I can relate in a similar way to visual artists, drawers, painters, etc. I've poured all of my creative talent in that medium into an extremely small number of works, with mediocre to average results at best. But for me the passion to hone those particular skills is just not strong enough to overcome the pain and frustration. I don't like to get too superstitious about things... but sometimes it feels like there are these intangible, metaphysical rigors wrapped around beautiful art. Like an invisible force of nature guards and subjects seekers to trials and tribulations to prove whether or not a person is worthy of possessing these ethereal constructs.
  14. Pentatonic scales are simple to learn, and relatively easy to fret. Most beginning guitarists are taught them early on because there are "essentially" no "wrong" notes you can play. It's a good foundation for expanding into modal scales, which are just all the notes in a key and the shapes of each "mode". It's been awhile since I brushed up on the rudiments but, just for example, the Ionian mode is just where you play all the notes in any key starting from the 'I'(1) position. I forget most of the other names but you simply play through the key, or within the shape of a particular mode, by starting from the corresponding note in the key. I'm probably doing a poor job explaining modes because I haven't revisited them in a long time. And those are just the basics , really. There's all sorts of unique and more challenging concepts beyond all of that. If you ever want to get into guitar, buy a relatively inexpensive introduction model or brand. Learn about the A pentatonic minor scale, how it relates to the C major scale, and the basics will start to click in fairly quickly and easily.
  15. Not sure that you actually did request this; the wording of your response in my budget thread was ambiguous... but I decided to throw something together anyway.
  16. Nope. I'll admit that the special effects in EFLA were shit but it's a much funner movie all in all. Plus the ending scene is one of the most badass endings ever.
  17. You're thinking of Escape from L.A. The much superior sequel.
  18. Really? Because even when I say extra they always stinge on the jalapeños. Treat them like gold nuggets or something.
  19. Sometimes I smoke weed a couple hours before work and when I get there I'm like "Oh man. I should have stayed home for a couple more hours. I am too high." Then a couple hours go by and I'm fine.
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